2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I don’t think it’s that, if Trump is the nom people will still fill in the R bubble. But if the GOP does a Bernie to trump during the primary and he tells his core 30% or whatever to stay home? Oooh boy. He’s got the GOP’s balls in a vice.

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This is the cover of the NY Post today. It was a really bad night for Trump.


I can’t imagine who the mythical MAGA voter is who wakes up today and thinks “ya maybe trump isn’t my guy if we can’t win seats in congress”. Not a single one of these people could tell you the difference between the house and senate. They don’t care about electoral politics at all. It’s just worship of a personality and tribalism.


Agree 100%. The hardcore MAGA voters are a bit like the Youth Voters that Obama reached and inspired.

If Trump isn’t on the ballot, they don’t give a flying fuck about voting.

The question isn’t that. It’s at what point do the sources of Trump’s power, people like Tucker and Hannity, turn on him. Those guys don’t care at all about Trump. They care about power. When Trump isn’t a path to that anymore they will move on.


It’s amazing they can’t realize that Trump is a net liability. It’s like he has an invisible leash on them. It’s not there, but they think it is and that’s all he needs to do. Is keep the illusion going that the leash is real

This is why Trump is a problem for them. Those people are never abandoning him. Who’s next to enter the Trump quicksand?

I’ll second this. I know quite a few folks who are jumping ship on Trump. They’re not all complete morons - just the loudest ones.




I’m still not gung-ho on the whole “Georgia is turning blue!” thing.

It took an all-time WOAT president in Trump to barely get Biden the win in 2020 (I do understand that even winning by a tiny bit is progress in Georgia). The two Dem Senate candidates needed runoffs against two of the worst Republican candidates in the country to win by a few votes.

And now, Warnock is going to need a runoff to squeak by probably the worst Senate candidate of all time, a brain-damaged, moronic asshole who literally knows nothing. And all the state races were easily won by Republicans.

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But they don’t represent a significant part of the electorate, do they? Who the fuck cares what they think? They can’t win without women and Independents

Yea, a bad night for Trump endorsed candidate along with DeSantis doing good is the worst possible combination for Trump. Who knows what’ll do though.

I’m cancelling my NYT subscription at the end of this month’s billing cycle.

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dude the same thing was on the ballot in louisiana and keeping it PASSED

im in a poker game with a bunch of writers from there, lol, please dont


I had MSNBC on last night and dlk9s jr came into the room just as they were showing the Pennsylvania Senate results. He looked at the screen and said, “Man, that Fetterman guy looks HARD.”


they absolutely realize this

the problem is that going against trump is a guaranteed primary loss

better to win the primary and take a hit on your general chances than to get easily taken out in the primary

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What should we do with the midterm election threads?
  • Keep both election threads open
  • Lock hopium thread
  • Lock this thread

0 voters

lol, yea, they’re in a shitty relationship they cant get out of, it’s pretty funny to watch now

Need to redo the poll.