2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

So uh, any chance we’re spiking the football too soon here? Anyone have some good reason to think that NV and AZ can’t go red and we’d need the GA runoff to get back to 50/50?

About the best night we could have hoped for.


Sounds low to me!


They stopped updating around the 5 am hour

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Another big positive from last night is that dems are unlikely to continue spending gobs and gobs of money in FL. It should start trickling to more winable areas like NC and WI


Trump gonna get sent to slip and fall school soon? He’s a real problem. Popcorn.


Migration patterns might be great for Dems over the next 10 years.

All the midwest Olds and Deplorables keep piling into Florida, it can’t get much redder.

Did any of the crazy right wing candidates that Dems helped win their primaries win last night?

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I have to admit I am legitimately stunned by the results. Others have touched on it but I guess some combination of Roe, maybe the insurrection and Trump continuing to get crazier and crazier must have really turned a lot of people off. Thia result with the economy being on shaky ground is pretty unheard of.


All the “this is bad for trump” takes are so lol. As if the cult of personality is based on reasoned analysis of electoral success.

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Pollsters confirmed biggest grifters since crypto bros.

He needs the non-crazy portion of the GOP voters to get in line to win a national election. This midterm shows some cracks there.

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It’s not bad for Trump, but Trump is a big potential problem for the GOP


I assume you mean the non-crazy part of the GOP the same way people talk about the tooth fairy.

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I agree, but we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact there is still a scary number of people willing to vote for certifiably evil, dumb, and even mentally ill candidates

As someone who unfortunately knows a lot of GOP voters there is a spectrum of craziness. Maybe I should have said less crazy.


Id say its bad for Trump. You’re right that Trump on the ballot is different, and yeah theres a firm deplorable cult there still, but hes gonna cost the GOP the Senate again and even the twitter fascists are acknowledging that. Granted, they are saying things like the lesson is Ron DeSantis didnt impose COVID vaccine tyranny like Trump did, but still some anger at daddy among the disciples.