2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



Anywhere we can see total votes cast for House Candidates by Party?

This has it

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Now the question becomes, how do you guilt ā€œpro-lifeā€ bigots into not voting for Walker? What a bunch of frauds.

Hey time to take the W or I guess the tie at least. Iā€™m as WAAF as anyone but Iā€™ll take free hopium if theyā€™re offering it.


Big takeaway seems to be Republicans are discovering the limits of careening towards unbridled fascism.

People outside of Florida just donā€™t want that shit that much.


This aged ok


So even if republicans do get a house majority, McCarthy has to be pretty vulnerable here, right?

Trump announcing next week canā€™t be good either for McCarthy or for Walker imo.

Fuck what happened to Lake overnight?

This woman is so awful

Short of waking up to an anarchist dream world utopia this seems like just about the best results we couldā€™ve hoped for.


Yea, not that I expect them to take advantage of it. Judges I guess?

Yeah, mostly judges. If they keep the house I guess weā€™ll get 2 more reconciliation bills too unless we magically get to 52 somehow, then maybe, just maybe they do something to meet the moment. At 51 you can do more shit in reconciliation because you can choose to deal with Sinema or Manchin, so either donā€™t tax the rich for her vote or donā€™t fuck with coal for his, but at least they have slightly more options. If they donā€™t hold the house then just judges and executive branch appointments and shit.

FL hard right turn
NC right turn, judge thing is disturbing
NV wtf

They arenā€™t going to win the House, but better chance now that it is just a massive headache for the GOP to manage and that quasi functional governance occurs.

To use a sports analogy, team not fucked still down 28-3 but converted the 4th and 3 to keep the drive alive. Keeps the game going but still need everything to break perfectly from here on out.

yeah especially with the TRUMP narrative coming apart. Desantis mopping up while Trump-aligned Rs struggled will make the intra-party dynamics in the house a fucking zoo. Literally anything could happen.


so 20% of Tennessee wants slavery back?

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The NC judge thing sucks because now they will be able to gerrymander away a few more House seats in time for 2024.

really need kari lake to lose for the results to be unequivocally good