2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

At this point Kelly looks good, Warnock will be favored in the runoff and Nevada looks like a toss-up.

Overall that’s good for us but far from a lock.

Sweet Summer Child me if you will but I really think Walker is going to get destroyed in a runoff. In 2020 the GOP couldn’t even win runoffs with candidates with nothing like the liabilities of Walker. It’s one thing to shrug your shoulders and vote straight ticket R when you’re voting on election day anyway. It’s another thing to show up specifically to vote for this fucking lunatic. The percentage of people who can’t stomach pulling the trigger a second time doesn’t have to be very big. It’s not like he is going to get any less psychotic between now and a runoff and the eDems will be monomaniacally fixated on burying him.


I do think if the Senate comes down to the seat the Rs have more to fight for if they’ve won the house. But I agree Warnock has the edge.

I agree but no matter how much money you dump-truck in there and no matter how much you try to whip the base up, that is still a particularly rancid turd you’re trying to polish there.


Yup and he’s got another month to do his level best to blow it. Should be a few more gaffes at a minimum.



And now she’s a Senator’s wife. Fuck right off, racists!



Status report: good or bad?

Don’t have time to read missed posts. Have work now.

Very good. Dems favored to hold Senate. House not called yet but GOP on track for a narrow win there. Dems took PA, MI, WI governors. Fetterman win, Warnock going to a runoff.



Did have to end up sleeping before my flight.

AZ/NV still okay?

WI completely hopeless or not?

NY got destroyed down ballot probably riding Zeldin’s coattails. Sean Patrick Maloney is such a fucking fraud. Hope he disappears from politics forever.

If the NYT margins data for Colorado’s 3rd holds for their projected remaining votes it looks to me like there should be slightly more outstanding for Frisch than for Boebert.

From that in isolation he should be projected to win by 6k or more. What am I missing that makes the NYT still favour Boebert?

It seems like the NYTimes hasn’t updated their forecasts since 4am

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Get fucked AIPAC!



Definitely a shock. Fully expected to see Dems lose both.

A good night, but odds WAAF move from like 99 percent to 97 percent. Some very bad people lost at least.

Who the fuck votes for a D governor and Ron Johnson?
