2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


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Omg Fetterman!




Lol runoffaments

NBC News now at 220-215 R +/- 8, the Boebert upset loss would be big if we could pull that off. Might put it back within reach.

But regardless, we took the PA, MI, WI governors races. Weā€™re probably a small favorite to win the AZ governorā€™s race and may still pull out NV. That means there WILL be a path to the presidency for the Dem in 2024.

We are a healthy favorite to win the Senate at this point, and may even gain a seat. That means more judges, and it means the GOP is not getting to 60 Senate seats in 2024, at least. And Fetterman is a progressive and a vote to nuke the filibuster so thatā€™s good, too.

And itā€™s almost 4am and the House isnā€™t called yet, and the margin is going to be small enough that weā€™ll only need a few sane Republican members of the House to prevent them from refusing to certify a Dem win in 2024.

All in all thatā€™s a huge fucking win tonight.


Once again CW single-handedly saving democracy



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Iā€™ll be pretty disappointed if Katie Hobbs doesnā€™t come through in Arizona.

Get fucked Zeldin






So what happens if nobody gets 218 votes?

just need a majority. part of the first tweet says ā€œif everyone casts a ballotā€

so if as an example, 4 abstain, the number needed to win will be lower


Thank you GA libertarians/racists

There could be an avenue for Dems to meddle and try to throw some support to a moderate R. Or more likely just let their caucus be a shit show.

Nancy switches parties and remains speaker

Then runs for president in 2024 as a California Republican.


Maybe they think voting third party is less harmful in Georgia because of the run-off threshold being 50%.

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One silver lining if we lose the House is that it absolves the shitheads running the party for getting nothing done the next two years and lets them go with ā€œvote harder and weā€™ll do something,ā€ and keeps it less obvious that itā€™s bullshit.

Very real chance we getā€¦

2022: R House, D Senate, D POTUS
2024: D House, R Senate, D POTUS
2026: R House, R Senate, D POTUS

Which means pure gridlock, more SCOTUS bullshit and more Boomers dying off and more Gen Z voting.

I feel reasonably good about our democracy still being in tact in 2028.

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Ohhhh shit



I gotta pass out soon but NV is very shaky imo. Gun to head D prevails but thatā€™s more hopium than anything I can justify analytically. There is a lot of D mail vote left but MCC is down a chunk of votes atm. Warnock should be favored over Walker in December, but I donā€™t want to sweat that shit all over again.