2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


Taking STOP THE COUNT to new levels.

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odds fetty shows up to capitol hill on January 3rd in a hoodie?




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Weā€™re spiking the football because we still have a shot at Senate control and a slight edge. Itā€™s kind of like weā€™re down by 3, weā€™re inside field goal range, we just got a first down with 45 seconds left, and we spiked the football to stop the clock.

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Ah, so the devil-worshiping Horse Pagan citizens of Kentucky have voted to murder the innocent babies. What a world.

The leash is called: the primaries.

Stop the vote.

90%. Heā€™s a flip to wear shorts. Itā€™d be 90% to wear shorts but itā€™ll be cold.

Whatā€™s interesting about this is that ā€˜Noā€™ on Amendment 1 is doing about a full percentage point better than Amendment 2, and that amendment would allow the state legislatureā€“about 80% GOP controlledā€“to change the rules and call special sessions at their leisure which is a power that only the liberal cuck governor currently wields.

yr pony is on a leash

Arent they counting anymore at the moment? There hasnt been a change on the House seats forever. I think the reps got one but none for the democrats for hours now.

I just woke up but a lot of the races that Dems could/should take will be in CA, where itā€™ll take a few days to count the mail-in vote. Same probably true of AZ.

Very curious whatā€™s left to count in CO-03ā€¦

America would look way different if we voted for ballot measures instead of Cult of Personality corporate sock puppet dipshits.

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But are we led by Aaron Rodgers against the Lions?

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So AZ looks pretty good to get to 50, GA is probably a slight favorite to go blue in the runoff for 51 and NV looks pretty bleak for 52?

52 senators would be nice they could tell Manchin and Sinema to fuck off though nothing is getting thru the R house anyway.

Think there is a miscount there. AZ+NV+GA = 51.

I think 49-51 Dem senators is the possible range of options.


Iā€™d have enjoyed Boebert losing but it looks like sheā€™s going to get there according to the NYT. Bottom right map shows estimated remaining votes.

well I didnā€™t have the doom and gloom seemingly everyone else did as there are fewer and fewer swing voters every year but yes

voters overwhelmingly said the economy was the most important issue by far and then basically decided that neither party was worth anything on that and went down the list to the other stuff, which hasnā€™t happened before

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