2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

As he should be because my pony got drunk as fuck last night because Josh Shapiro kicked Doug Mastriano’s ass so bad he’s gonna wake up in the Stone Age where he belongs and John Fetterman is my SENATOR!!!


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In the spirit of the successes we’ve had in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we’re led by Nick Foles.

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So how MAGA is a thin R house going to be?

Is that good or bad for 2024? Will they so badly overplay their hand that voters will be turned off?

Third party Trump run would be chef’s kiss.

I am proud of what we achieved in Massachusetts.

The rest of it is looking like gridlock, with a slight Republican advantage given the traitorous and cowardly nature of the Democratic party, is the most likely scenario.

I’m watching the Governors results closely. It seems like the growth of the corrupt America that I honestly just call Rapeland has been slowed, at least? Maybe? Feel free to tell me why I should see it instead as an All Hope Is Gone scenario.

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He wore a suit to the debates. I doubt he wears the hoodie to important functions.

Ah, ok. People seem way too optimistic then, I only really feel comfortable about AZ out of those 3.

This is the million dollar question. Dems meddled and got some moderate Republicans ousted in primaries to pick up seats, which is great, but I’m not sure how many non-insane votes there are in the incoming GOP caucus to do stuff like pass a debt ceiling. In theory we don’t have to peel many to get to 218 if McCarthy lets it go to the floor, but the Hastert rule will be an issue.

And that’s if McCarthy even wins the gavel. I’m not sure anyone thought much about an outcome like this before the wee hours last night.

Sounds like youre counting WI, whoch doesnt seem likely.

well, last batch of votes is going to be from milwaukee and be like 95-5

I just don’t know how big that batch is gonna be

Optimistic relative to where expectations were 24 hours ago. We will have free and fair elections in PA, MI, WI, probably GA, and maybe AZ in 2024. That’s a huge huge win for us.

We are favored to hold the Senate as it stands right now, and the worst we likely do is 49. That means the GOP path to 60 in 2024 probably dried up.

And the GOP margin in the House is hopefully low enough to get the 2024 presidential election results certified.

Why wouldn’t they certify Desantis


Yeah, this is me.

I feel better than ever about our chances to win 2024. The Trump/DeSantis primary is going to get ugly.

I guess that means he’s definitely not a simp.

Weren’t you literally posting a few days ago about how useless the Democrats are and how they don’t actually represent the people? But now they’re “our”?

My fear is that this will further entrench the eDems, as if their strategy of being GOP-lite was actually good, while they conveniently ignore the gains made by progressive candidates across the country.

one thing with that tho, D’s had some ugly primaries then won the general, that would be non stop news coverage for months.

The eDems are still useless fucks, but Biden is “our” side when he’s running against Trump or DeSantis.

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I also assume if the Republicans squeak out a small House win they’ll have to assume that the country is not going to be in the mood for Impeachment hearings.

Right but there’s no way Trump is going to put his arm around DeSantis and endorse him after losing. He’s not giving a convention speech annointing the guy who just beat him. He’s more likely to tell his voters to stay home or attempt to mount a third party run to spite him.

Time to fire up a thread about the tragic death of the Republican party