2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Just flipped on CNN. Is NJ lost also?

uh, depends whatā€™s left, Iā€™m getting conflicting reports of one guy barely winning vs the other.

editā€“market just crashed for republicans in NJ

Looks like NJ should go Demā€¦

But once again the fact I even have to type that shows WAAF

right and it looks close, which means weā€™re gonna see a ton lawsuits and all the rigged talk after the mail ins come in at the end, etc I believe R will lead before the mail ins come in facepalm

Ye olde red mirage in NJ tonight. Definitely in stop the steal territory.

Donā€™t know if this is a hot take or not:

While Democrats are obviously the biggest losers, the other big loser of the night is Trump. Tonight proved they donā€™t need specifically him to get the racist GOP base riled up.


yes a big win for the people who said trump was the symptom but those racists also voted for a black woman to be the LG, and a cuban to be the AG.

anyway NJ comes down to how many mail/absentee ballots are out there, nobody is fully sure. I think thereā€™s enough but hahahaha at this statement.

(in fact everyoneā€™s got about a different vote count out there, gj NJ)

one county webpage is some lady on a zoom call

also, if this holds for 22 dems lose the senate seats of AZ, NH, NV, donā€™t win either WI or PA and idk if Iā€™ll bother even wondering if CO holds or look the rest of it up oh GA

editā€“CO would be the swing state that Rā€™s would barely win facepalm and Oregon would be close yikes

Anecdotally (I live in northern NJ) enthusiasm levels among younger working class Dems are meh. Also, there was no sense that the race would actually be competitive. Definite signs that this might get very tight.


yeah theyā€™re rapidly losing ground with the non college vote of every demographic, which is the majority of voters. Huge problem.

Dems need to appeal more to the poorly educated, perhaps by openly calling them poorly educated and trying to actively take away their healthcare?


Buffalo Mayor race

Socialist beats incumbent in Dem primary

Dems and GOP work together

Incumbent beats socialist via write ins in the general.

Dems are fascist.


well fwiw both NY dem senators endorsed walton, not sure how everyone is working together or w/e

JFC. Who votes for republicans

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What did any of those people get from the Dem trifecta?


well, lots of money

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Sometimes I hate being right. Have managed to almost completely ignore results today, but itā€™s just really sad how many people in this country are genuine bad people, stupid people, or fully brainwashed people. Or all three.