2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



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Matrix theory




It seems way more likely that his ties to the Clintons hurt him more than recent dysfunction in Congress. There isnā€™t a better accelerant for culture war narratives than handing the Rs an opponent that is easily associated with Hillary Clinton.

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Even if this isnā€™t true, Iā€™d like to see some progressives make it a talking point.

I really think the Dems only hope is to cut the so-called moderates loose and go full economic populist. Letting Republicans rack up ever increasing margins among non-college voters is hopeless.

Politics is driven by emotion. Democrats do absolutely nothing to excite anyone, or activate people. There is no unifying message and no hope for a better future. Just a bunch of rich old assholes whose insincerity is obvious from a mile away.


I think the other thing happening here is in a late-stage capitalism situation it doesnā€™t really even make sense for ā€œgoodā€ people to be ā€œgoodā€. When everything around you is in smoking ruins nuanced means tested Clintonite policy proposals just are so obviously inadequate to meet the moment that literally no one sees them as an actual solution. So lots of people are just reverting to more base instincts and solutions. Tribalism/racism and a fuck you Iā€™m going to get mine mentality that is already deeply ingrained here anyways. The Republicans are doing a fantastic job feeding that.

I mean you can see the proof of it in this very group of peopleā€™s words and actions. A significant portion of us spend 10 hours a day day trading jpegs hoping to rack up enough money to escape or wall ourselves in. More and more of us are talking about needing to have our passports renewed and a plan to GTFO. I think we all realize any hope for fixing things through our legislative branch and/or electoral system is hopeless.

Now do that on a grander scale where 40% of the country are evil power hungry fucks and the rest of us have mostly given up hope for any real solutions. What is that going to look like in 5-10 years?


A classic example of this is Dems expecting the professional class to keep paying more and more in taxes to keep the system chugging along while they do absolutely nothing to correct the tax loopholes and outright evasion of taxes by the super rich. Its insane to think that these people, who should reliably vote blue, are going to keep turning out to vote and keep dutifully paying their taxes while they watch other better connected people loot the country.


Right. There is increasing, very real fatigue among educated people trying to be decent.

People can only get kicked in the teeth for so long before they throw their hands in the air and give up. You see the biggest pieces of shit in the entire country acting with complete impunity. You play by the rules while nobody else has to, you see the complete lack of accountability for anyone and the entirely different set of rules for rich people and eventually you say fuck it, at least the red team might cut my taxes.

The Dems are bleeding these voters across all races, itā€™s not just white people. How long have we been bemoaning their failure with Hispanics? People are able to sense that Democrats are unable to deal with our obvious problems. Can you blame anyone for giving up on these fucking assholes?


Narrator: They moved to the center and lost 75 House seats

One thing I do at my job is look at wealthy peoplesā€™ tax returns.

These people send us lots of stuff, and one of the things they send us in addition to their tax returns is cash flow statements. Almost uniformly, the cash flow statements indicate personal income in the millions of dollars. Just as uniformly, the tax returns indicate negative income and zero tax paid.

Everyone working around, for and with these guys sees these same documents. They know these guys arenā€™t paying any taxes. And even more importantly, they know that Democrats know that they arenā€™t paying any taxes, and that they deliberately choose to do nothing about it.

The Democratic Party simply isnā€™t credible. You would have to be a fucking idiot to think theyā€™re actually fighting for normal people at a national level. This is obvious to everyone except elected Democrats and their consultants.

Look at the ā€œtransformativeā€ BBB bill:

  • Absolutely nothing to lower medical costs
  • Carried interest remains
  • 1031 exchanges remain
  • $23 million estate tax exemption remains
  • Step up in basis remains
  • Capital gains preference remains
  • Paid leave gutted or out
  • No student loan relief
  • SALT likely coming back
  • No minimum wage increase
  • No ethics reform of any kind

Now, they still have a chance to get normal people who hate Trump. All they have to do is hold literally anyone accountable for the absolute horror show that has been the last 5 years. They canā€™t even do that. You know why? Because theyā€™re all fucking crooks too and they really donā€™t want Trump Admin 2.0 digging too deep.


I guess the one ā€œpositiveā€ thing is we may be getting close to where much of the populace looking at politics as sport starts to become untenable as basics such as adequate healthcare become unavailable in America for even much of the professional class. Maybe life is just too comfortable for the top half of economic society and a failed state and the end of the luxury to disengage will help bring some clarity.

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Trump 2.0 is coming after them regardless. Heā€™s going to want revenge. If there is anything on them to get trumps doj is going to be all over it. Some will likely go to jail.

I think a part of it was a legitimate strategy to return things to normal, and wanted to bring the country together and knew going after trumps people would outrage the right and motive them to vote.

Lol Dems either way.

Vote blue no matter who!


So obviously I had a passing moment of weakness and despair last night. I have removed my WAAF badge.

After thinking about it some more, I realized last nightā€™s results are the best possible outcome. Because they will energize and galvanize the Democrats like nothing in recent memory. Much of the old guard, the dinosaurs, will be jettisoned and replaced with fresh blood, people who understand the need for better messaging, better fundraising, and better candidates, and who understand how to use the internet to mobilize and motivate young voters.

The cry of ā€œRemember McAuliffe!ā€ will ring throughout the land, and will end up rivaling ā€œRemember the Alamo!ā€ in terms of historical significance. And it will work. An army of activists will be mobilized and take to the streets with a message of unity and resilience, but also one of a deadly existential fear of a total GOP takeover and what that implies.

By this time next year, the Biden administration will be firing on all cylinders. Both infrastructure and Build Back Better will both be passed, helping provide millions of jobs and booming the economy. Working families will be getting concrete help and theyā€™ll realize it and credit the Democrats. Inflation will fade, supply chain issues will fade, Covid will fade. Immigration will be under control. Culture issues like CRT will definitely fade away and be recognized as the nonsense they are. QAnon will fade. The whole tired ā€œStop the Stealā€ garbage will fade as Trump continues to lose power and influence.

Indictments are coming, which will further illuminate and expose the lies and hypocrisy of Trump and his inner circle. Bannon, Giuliani, Powell, Flynn will all be indicted soon. Maybe even a few Trumps.

The way things are going to go, I think thereā€™s a good chance that the Democrats actually pick up seats in both the House and Senate next year. Obviously Iā€™m too young to vote, but Iā€™m going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens. Whoā€™s with me?





Is this how itā€™s done?

might have been posted, but this is pretty much the difference:


CRT means your horse would lose to secretariat every time.

But yeah, racism. Donā€™t be teachin ma kids any 1916 nonsense