2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I’d really like to see a cross tab of white women with no degree split by age. Just want to know how fucked we are for the future.

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We dont have that crosstab, but the age splits arent very encouraging 18-24 whole populace went 52-48 Dem.

Trump isn’t going to start out with semi-credible cabinet picks this time either. It will be straight to the true believers that are going to be willing to carry out his darkest desires. The only thing that will restrain that in any way are our institutions. They barely held up the first time and I don’t see that happening twice.

He also won’t have to worry about winning any elections like he did the first time either.


Cabinet will be wild

Secretary of Commerce my Pillow Guy
AG Judge Pirro
Secretary of Treasury I Trump
Fed chairman nominee Ron Paul

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It all comes down to Republicans using Facebook to summon a horde of angry, motivated dingbats.


LOL the prevailing wisdom among people without clearly diagnosable mental illnesses is to just resign, that should go well.

Like I don’t really know how this shit works but can you imagine the people he’s going to put in charge of the military.

Do you guys think Mayor Pete can win the popular vote against Trump in 2024? Hmm.


Also lets not pretend there is a way back from this. The Facebook ruined everything takes are 100% right and the 100 million+ literal crazy people are not going to suddenly become normal ever.

Even in a best case scenario where Trump dies and somehow Joe, Chuck and Nancy cling to power by a thread that does what exactly? Buy a couple more years before the Facebook/Tucker Carlson avalanche hits?

Yeah, the thing myself and think most of us missed, in the mid 2010’s was that there was this angry horde of non-voters out there, and the cheat code was just social media, abject racism, and lunacy.

The lesson is going to the middle is now dumb, but Dems are never gonna learn it.


We are in our 30s, 40s and 50s mostly and even though I’m using my phone and internet daily I feel a bit out of touch from the TikTok kids. Imagine being 90 fucking years old and trying to understand shit going on with the world and younger people. waaf


“Dems didn’t excite their base enough” is bad analysis. As proof, look at how successful republicans were by simply exciting their base!


Pre-Trump Rs ran on like 50% culture war/50% insanely toxic stuff like cutting Medicare, privatizing Social Security, etc. And elections were still always pretty close w/ Rs winning their fair share!

Now they run on 95% culture war and 5% generic tax cuts/deregulation stuff. Seems pretty clear that is the winning ticket with the current electoral map…. if they can somehow keep Trump himself off the ballot in 2024 then Ds are hopeless.

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I think there are some reasonable scenarios where Trump still being around fucks up the GOP for 2024, either he does croak at the worst possible time, or really starts to decline mentally as the campaign wears on (he’ll be 78) and even scares off his own voters.

The question is, as you said, what would the extra 4 years buy us. Sure the turnout and splits of the kids aging into voting age don’t look great, but they still look a hell of a lot better than what the older generation are giving us. Does a total of 7 more years of boomers dying make enough difference to offset the rigging and other inherent disadvantages Dems have in the current system? Probably not but it could stave off the very worst scenarios.

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I don’t think it’s the traditional Republican base voting for Youngkin so much as it is the kind of Trumpalos who jumped into politics for the first time after hearing about CRT on Facebook. Maybe this is just semantics.

I agree with all of that analysis but what I was trying to get at is Dems winning elections doesn’t actually ever accomplish much of anything so the inevitability of what is coming is the crushing part. Having a few more years before we get put into Breitbart re-education/work camps isn’t meaningless though and like you say there are realistic outs for the Dems to win in 2022/2024 and possibly beyond.


Nope I’m with ya. As frustrating as it is, it’s definitely preferable to stay in this holding pattern of grumbling about how the government doesn’t do anything, compared to worrying that they’re actively trying to kill me.


Small ray of happiness here: 2 of the 3 spots on the local school board went to women who actively campagined on the idea of inclusion. Only one of the anti-CRT crazies got elected, despite both being supported by the state GOP. My wife did a bunch of canvassing for the 2, which feels extra good.



Well… I only see one way to deal with politics going forward.

First off I’m not going to spend less money on political donations. My conscience can’t take that. So from here on out I only donate to primary challengers for corporate democrats and any balance left over goes to AOC’s PAC and bail funds.

Second off I’m going to stop following this shit in the off season, and that includes during general elections. I don’t make enough money betting on politics to make the psychological cost worth it.

This country absolutely deserves everything bad that has happened to it in the last five years and will happen to it in the next 2-3 decades. Sucks to be a millennial but I’ve been lucky personally so I really shouldn’t bitch. Good luck everybody, you’re going to need it.

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man wtf