2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

This is so true. The eDems just simply can’t let go of the belief that their restraint in attacking Rs will be returned in kind. They are failing on a lot of fronts but this one actually threatens them directly and the STILL don’t get it.

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Good. I hope they never breathe free air again.

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On the other side, I think there’s a big combination of Dem voter fatigue and lack of Dem voter motivation, which are related. All the bullshit the last few years has been totally exhausting. Sample size of two, but my wife and I didn’t even bother to see if we had anything to vote for until Tuesday morning. When we saw it was just a single school tax thing that we knew would pass, we didn’t worry about voting. I think on a larger scale, lots of Dem voters who weren’t gung-ho about voting until recently are just burned out on all the stupidity.

And related, while Trump and Trump disciples are obviously still present, there isn’t that “I will do anything to make sure Trump doesn’t win” motivation right now that generated such a massive turnout in 2020. Biden won by the skin of his teeth in a few states, which was the difference in the election, and that was WITH the biggest motivating force for Dems to vote that we’ve ever seen.

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Should have let Trump win the GE. 8 consecutive years would have done much better long term for the democratic party than 4 and 4 with some Biden in the middle.

That’s what some people on this forum said in the runup to the 2020 election and they were not treated kindly.


Hot take: Given the apparent political environment, I think Stephen Breyer should retire from the Supreme Court.


They’re wrong, it wont be better, just equally as horrible. At least now there was a theoretical, if low probability, two year window to, well maybe avoid the iceberg too optimistic, but escape with damage rather than sinking the ship.

While I’m no defender of the democratic party for a lot of their centrist bullshit, one constant in American politics is the constant swing of the pendulum away from the party in power. It’s the one thing you can set your watch to. There seems to be no amount of GOTV, energizing candidates, or who the fuck knows what else that can actually overcome this. You had the blue wave in 2008. Then the red wave in 2010. Then Trump in 2016, followed by blue waves in 2018 and Biden in 2020. Get ready for GOP gains across the board in 2022 and a tough battle in 2024.

If it were just that, as infuriating as it is, I could live with it. We get some small bullshit incrementalism every time. 2008 we get the ACA. This time around we (maybe) get BBB. The GOP can’t repeal social welfare programs for fear of electoral repercussions, so the shit just stays. The best they can do is give the rich people their massive tax cut and give the middle class peanuts. See: Bush in 2001 and Trump in 2017. Or maybe they can restrict abortion in deep red areas. If this is what the majority of American people want, it’s fucking stupid and shitty, but it’s at least a sustainable situation. It’s not WAAF territory.

What’s different this time around is the erosion of democracy. If the republicans can rig election through next level voter suppression or just outright overturning results they don’t like, then we don’t really get the swings back in our favor. The erosion of our laws and norms that are making this a real threat is what’s new and scary. I haven’t put on my WAAF tagged yet, but if Manchin and Sinema don’t come around to some sort of HR1 style election law improvements, then sign me up for team WAAF.


Go ahead and put it on.


The argument was that having a Democratic captain when the ship scratches the iceberg will definitely lead to a long succession of Republican captains at the helm. Considering the state of the ship the best chance might have been to scrap the sinking wreck and build a new one from the ground up.

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I understand the argument, just disagree with it.

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We tried this with 8 years of W Bush. Republicans will collectively forget who the old captain was and bring out an even more terrible guy to pilot the ship.

It’s not what the majority of American people want. As many New Yorkers voted for Curtis Silwa—5x Virginians voted for McAuliffe as West Virginians voted for Manchin. Our republican system (Senate) along with absurd, obscene, dark, etc…money in politics distorts what gets done.

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you did get a “progressive” black president elected and re-elected. No one expects the gop do be better


Lol…instead of just doing nothing, let’s make sure we do nothing slowly.


Think the rest of the Dems have had enough of the Manchin show and are just going to put him to the test. Better than even shot he votes no (and Sinema from the clouds obviously possible), but is what it is, the time has come. At least will stop some of the progressives killed the agenda nonsense.

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Props to whomever did the thread title change.

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Young people: we care about affordable housing, making a decent wage, our overwhelming student debt, stopping climate change from wrecking the planet…

Dems: how about we do none of that but we bring back SALT deductions



That was me. I have a feeling Acts 2-infinity might keep the same subtitle.