2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

last I knew richmond still hadn’t posted but that’s over anyway

they are, but they’ve hit more than other pollsters cause they just take polls and add a few points to R so they have a high rating

ie, they hit tonight too

they were hilariously wrong in CA but they’ll ignore that obv

VA is done.

It’s much more likely that the GOP wins NJ than the Dems winning anything of consequence in VA.

they still have VA state senate unless someone changes teams, which decent possibility after that

In NY we got to vote for clean air and water being a right. I’m sure that will be a meaningful vote. Or it won’t pass.

I gotta say whatever GOP dipshit came up with attacking CRT, well fucking done you fucking evil piece of shit

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At least we don’t have to worry about critical race theory in our schools.

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So youre saying this is a 2 gummy night?


Did republican qanon nutjobs take over all of the school boards as well?

right they got a lot of people with stuff but some of that had faded, but when it was about the kids, they got whoever else too

problem is there’s no actual good political response other than insta banning it themselves, dems will make the foolish mistake of trying to use reason and logic with people that think jfk jr is going to come back from the dead and run with trump any day now even after that day passed again and again and again.

worse, they’ll probably keep talking about it, this is a one statement it’s banned and everyone forget that ever happened type of thing

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On the plus side, the least bad of 4 TERRIBLE options won the world series so thats… something.


On the plus side maybe Trump will seize Facebook and send Zuck to the gulag


LOL the lead is only 7.

It’s that kind of night.

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the racists are the least bad of terrible options is how this decade is just gonna go

I don’t have funds on PI anymore but if I did I’d be backing the truck up on Murphy/D right now at 76.

uh this race is a lot closer than I thought it was gonna be, even after VA results





welp I should’ve listened the pump died and swung back

this isn’t a back the truck up though this is more of a well he probably still wins but ehhhh thing

Just popping in for a quick WAAF, see you in next year for the full version.