2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

My passport is currently expired. I need to get on that asap!

Yes. I’m self redacting in preparation for the new regime.




180 seats in 2023 will be a big outperformance.

Hopefully Trump gets jealous of not being at the center of these wins and sticks his nose much more noticeably into things. We need variance to have any chance in 2022. We’re still fucked.

If only there were a set of popular policies Dems could pass funded by revenue from
a small unpopular source so that races didn’t become a referendum on the white nationalist media fever dream of the day.

Oh, and next year they’ll crank up student loans.

How long is the Virginia House elected for? Because if it is Republican AG, legislature, governor through 2024 then those electoral votes are already lost for 2024

he wants to sooo bad but everyone else is telling him not to

Maybe being a concentration camp guard isn’t that bad, they seem to be having a good time in that one picture.

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Yea and the R powers that be will be even more desperate to keep him out of the spotlight after these results. Probably our only out at this point is gop infighting.

it’s sure great arguing the best course of action is to give trump back his twitter

This was a 16 point flip towards Republicans relative to 2020. LOL DEMOCRATS

They ran a dogshit candidate but I honestly don’t even think that matters anymore. We’re just completely, hopelessly fucked as a country.

Id start at least a year earlier than that. Zero chance China is gonna let Trump have the nuke codes again.

So…um…is New Jersey actually in play as well…

Holy fuck

I think NJ is still safe?

But the fact that I have to put a question mark after that in a state that Biden won by 16 points last year is pretty incredible.


Predictit has moved from 95/5 earlier today to currently 73/33

I mean still favored but fuck

PI down to 2-1 dem for NJ

oh lord

thank god I didn’t fire at 96, but man someone made bank at 4.

Norfolk is the only dem stronghold left in VA right?

Its not enough.

im sorry for the dumb q but trafalgar are a- on 538? weren’t they suppose to be like the lol trump gonna sweep pollster?