2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

We can override to get roc and succ in every ER I’ve been in long enough to do a crash tube. Don’t have time to put in orders sometimes.

Floor should be different though obv

Yeah we just do it a little different. We have RSI kits locked up throughout throughout the hospital for emergency use. Obviously nurses are never getting into trouble for manually overriding meds for emergencies, but there would be hell to pay for manually overriding meds for a routine procedure.

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That looks like it’ll cause a lot of damaged. :astonished:


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This is more accurate that Donnie Dumb Dumb’s musings about the founding fathers taking over all the airports.



The Japanese version of this

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seems like if anyone should be held liable for the death of the person in that story, it’s A) designers/vendors of these systems and B) whoever bought it for this hospital

honestly, knowing what I know about alert fatigue, I’m not even in favor of this nurse losing her license, she is literally a cog in the machine and these mistakes are inevitable and I’m guessing this happens a lot more than anyone knows about, just most of the time it’s (relatively) less harmful and doesn’t end up in the news


Just so sad.

Religion is the worst fucking thing humans have invented and should be wiped off the face of the planet.


So utterly heartbreaking.


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This is the what he’s responding to


This kind of reactionary stuff would get you branded as a unserious thinker if you were just looking up someone’s creditials and dismissed them merely because they had an MBA.

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They’re really trying to make this lentil thing happen.

She’s not getting torched for the mba. It’s the mba that gave her the unfounded confidence to push that fucking ludicrous take that covid didn’t spread well in schools.

I can count the number of people with MBAs that I’ve ever respected on my fingers with at least a couple to spare.