2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Children in general and teens in particular already suffer from pretty significant chronic sleep deprivation due to idiotic school schedules. I’ll take permanent DST as an improvement over changing the clocks twice a year, but the whole thing continues to be rooted in fucked up social pressure to be more “productive”, at a very real cost to public health.

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The Biden admin is going to try to means test Daylight Savings.




Why are we adopting daylight savings time year-round instead of keeping standard time?


Because we live under the tyranny of jackasses who think it’s a good idea to force yourself awake before your body is finished sleeping.


Update to the story on how environmental law was weaponized to further NIMBY’s fight against increasing density:

California fixed that idiocy.


Capitalism is supposed to promote efficiency through market competition: The imperative to expand market share theoretically forces firms to innovate more efficient modes of production so as to keep prices low and attract more buyers. Yet in a world where the same massive asset manager owns every company in a given sector, it’s not clear whether this imperative exists. American Airlines may benefit by undercutting Delta on price, but such competition would probably lower profit margins across the airline industry. And since American Airlines’ top shareholders also own every other airline, it is not in the interest of the company’s ownership for it to engage in competitive behavior.

This reality has long concerned champions of more stringent antitrust policies. Indeed, a 2018 Journal of Finance study found that the rise of common ownership in the airline industry likely led to anti-competitive collusion.

And yet this does not necessarily mean asset-manager capitalism has been bad for consumers. A subsequent study from one of the same researchers found that, on net, the rise of BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street has actually reduced prices across the economy. This makes theoretical sense. If an entity owns every firm within a single industry — and none outside it — then it is in their interest to promote collusion and price gouging. But if an entity owns every firm in every industry , the calculus changes: High prices in the airline industry reduce the profit margins of every corporation that needs to pay for business travel. The airline tycoon has an interest in collusion, but the universal owner has an interest in efficiency.

As Matt Bruenig of the People’s Policy Project observes, the fact that asset-manager capitalism has proved compatible with low prices and market competition serves as a proof of concept for market socialism. Historically, the most biting criticism of socialism’s viability has been the incapacity of central planners to rationally allocate society’s productive resources. Market socialists have answered this challenge by arguing that it is possible to have market competition between autonomous firms — and the efficiencies and information about consumer preferences it produces — without retaining the private ownership of businesses and capital. In their view, the state could give everyone in society an ownership stake in every business and still maintain incentives for interfirm competition.


Whichever time change we just did that makes sunset later is the one I want permanently.


i don’t know if it fixed it. they need to go on a massive building spree

I want sunset to come earlier because I do my best thinking after dark.

Splitting the difference at 30 min seems only fair.


Came here to see wtf is up with this permanent DST nonsense. Glad to see UP is on it.


I was just thinking about this yesterday and came to the conclusion that with modern technology we should just adjust the time by a few seconds automatically every day. The Senate did not consult me on this.

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We have almost that exact same custom response in our work Slack. :laughing:

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Who cares about the extra time in the morning when you’re either getting ready for work, driving to work, or sleeping anyway if you’re not a farmer or a corporate lackey. Give me the hour of daylight during the late-afternoon period where the entire population is more likely to be outside doing activities.

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People will adjust locally to the sunlight right? I always thought the change is what was super annoying.

check back with us in January when you get a 9:00 AM sunrise

this is dumb as shit, DST is a good idea and changing clocks 2x/year is annoying but it’s better than not doing it

full graphic:

100% agree…and my area (according to that map) would have fewer “reasonable sunrise” days per year.