2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

This is today in NYC

I like the sun to rise a little earlier TBH, but it’s not bad.

Also wtf with the 9am sunrise? Latest I can find in my area would be around 8:20 if we did dst year round

8:56 am sunrise in Seattle Christmas morning if this sticks.

Would take a combination of northerly and on the western side of the time zone to get to 9 AM sunrise.

Worst area in the contiguous US would probably be the UP of Michigan. Marquette would seem to have a 9:30 sunrise if this is permanent.

Also, if we did this, would Canada follow?

If Canada doesn’t follow we could just do a special military operation until they submit.


Lesson: don’t live north


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I’m in the frozen tundra during January that would be the least of my issues, 4:30 sunsets are way worse than a later sunrise.

We should get rid of time zones completely. It makes things massively complicated for no good reason.

China does that. Ask people in the far West how they like the sun coming up at noon (or whatever it is).

This is the exact wrong way to think about it and why everything is such a mess. Dawn is always at dawn. Mid-day is always at mid-day. The numbers are arbitrary, but we’ve conditioned ourselves to think they have meaning.

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(A little bit too light hearted for the Ukraine thread I think so here instead)


Ontario already passed a law to implement permanent DST conditional on its neighbours all implementing it as well. Quebec and BC have said they’re open to it as well. Manitoba and Saskatchewan don’t observe DST at all.

True to form, Alberta voted against it last year. Bunch of wackos.



Well I assume their bosses still expect them to work at 8am.

Nathan J Robinson is mind-bogglingly stupid:

However dumb and pretentious you imagine this thing is, I promise you it’s 10 times dumber and more pretentious.


Why? That would be ridiculous. People in eastern and western China just do things at different clock times. Again, the numbers are arbitrary. We made them up. You can eat your midday meal at midday regardless of what happens to be on the face of the clock.

Found the perfect spot for Unstoppableville! Who’s coming with me???


Yea I would place myself more in the YIMBY camp, but the article actually makes good points. Why can’t we build new cities? It’s funny that this intersects nicely with sworn enemy and famous YIMBY Matt Y’s one billion Americans plan.