2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Lubnani sat in the front with the smuggler. Sipan sat in the back cradling three-month old Khalil in her arms. She had nodded off when “suddenly there was a loud explosion and the car literally flew in the air.” They had hit a land mine. Flames leapt from the front of the car. A fragment of metal had pierced the infant’s back. He was bleeding but alive. Sipan had cuts on her hands and her face. She pulled the baby to her chest and got out. The smuggler was hanging out of the side of the car, his guts spilling out, one of his legs missing and the other stuck inside the car. Lubnani was badly injured but trying to pull the smuggler out. “The smuggler was barely alive. You could tell he was suffering.” Lubnani took his off his tactical vest and suicide belt and sat on the ground, his legs stretched out before him in a daze. “I sat beside him for an hour weighing what to do.” With the baby parked on her left hip, she lifted herself up, reached for Lubnani’s gun, pointed it at his back and pulled the trigger. He died instantly. She shot the smuggler next in an act of mercy and threw away the gun, swaddled the baby in her abaya and began to walk.

She feels no remorse. Lubnani, “was an evil man, serving a state that was murdering innocent people. He showed me videos of himself lining up prisoners on the ground and shooting them in the back and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’ He was very proud of that. If I hadn’t killed them, I would never be free. It was my last chance.”


Something to lighten your day. I’m not sure the actors were ready for this kid




Scary story.


“All six of the patients were men in their early 20s”

Either they’re deliberately trying to make you think all six died, or this is a very terribly worded article.

I don’t know where to put this, so I’ll just stick it here. How the hell does someone end up with this opinion about 2024?


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Holy crap the mirrors everywhere in this house. You’d need a full time Windex person.

pretty sure I once had a nightmare set in this house

It would be fun to take my very stupid dog there and watch her bark at herself over and over again because she thinks her reflection is another dog. In her defense, she’s only had 10 years to figure out how mirrors work. Maybe next year.


You know the designer was walking through one of those hall of mirrors at the carnival and thought, “I want that.”

I feel like there has been exponential growth in the use of “way” as an adverb. These two examples are from just the past 12 hours in one thread.

No! This is bad! “Way” is not an adverb in formal or semi-formal speech! People over the age of 15 are not supposed to use language this way!

  • Yes, this is terrible and needs to stop immediately
  • It needs to stop and the culprits should be beaten
0 voters

Makes me want a laser pointer.

Someone fears vampires.



someone is way too uptight about language prescriptivism


Overly uptight.


Grammar Putin needs to invade this thread on the pretext of grammar denazification.

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You mean special grammatical operation.


Bruce Lee.

But it makes your house look like it has infinite square footage.