2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I wouldn’t expect a petrol station to be a good place to launder money. Any business using a taxed commodity gets a lot more attention than just the common cell phone repair booth. Or do you really think every mall needs 5 cell phone repair places.

Whoops I put this in the wrong thread.

Article makes a good bit of sense that Biden might suspend student loan payments past election day.

Education Dept. gives another sign student loan payments may not restart in May

Yeah War nails it here. You need to wash the dirty money through a business that will make a comparable amount to the area. The less actual business you take in, the more of the dirty you can wash

Now I’m going to think this every time I get shitty service at a sketchy small business.

In the Chicago Loop restaurants that were only open for lunch weekdays were standard.

Sure the the loop dies after 7pm

Why operate a business when you can buy a $20 million NYC condo and boom you’re done.

Holy shit - there was a recent 10K race in Florida for which they closed down a road and bridge. A drunk driver came barreling down that road towards the runners, and a cop rammed her head on to protect the runners. Video in link.

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Guess cops are the good ones sometimes

For real - that took some serious guts, and the discussion on reddit from people who were there suggests that she definitely saved lives.

One quote:

She ran multiple barricades to get to that point. At 9 am, she was already three times the legal limit.

(Obviously it’s hard to know if she was already vs. still three times the legal limit.)

Fucking what dude?


Edit: I should probably explain that ectopic pregnancies are completely unviable and can result in death or serious injury to the mother.

And lol apparently there was a bill in Ohio in 2019 which proposed to make it a criminal offence not to attempt to reimplant an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus. If you’re wondering “wait, is that a thing?” then no. No it isn’t. There are apparently a group of ectopic pregnancy truthers out there or something?

It’s as stupid as it sounds. I give meds to abort ectopic pregnancies all the time. There’s some morons who talk about re-implanting it in the uterus, and maybe someone could possibly get it to work, but it’s basically impossible.

The bit I don’t get is that it’s not just “btw aborting ectopic pregnancies is included in this” which would be insane enough. They’re making it a worse crime to abort an ectopic pregnancy than a normal one. This had to have been written by someone with very confused ideas.

Afaict it’s just some random bill proposal as opposed to something more serious or thought out

Oh look, another day, another spurious copyright infringement case in the news:

It was bad enough before every bedroom crooner could post their garbage mixtapes online, but now there are millions of these motherfuckers gunning for the top-grossing hits on the Hot 100. Got a low-quality demo you cut in your basement in 1970? Just post it online and claim [insert any Hot 100 hit here] ripped you off, hope it gets through the courts, and watch dumb juries award you millions.

Yup music copyright is a mess now with everyone uploading their music to the web.

I think it’s basically super easy for two people to come up with similar sounding melodies. Especially if those two people study a little music theory and generally have an idea of what notes go together.

Right, that is the problem, especially in popular music, there are only so many melodic permutations you can run out over common chord progressions that sound significantly different. If you reduce it to just target tones (a point of emphasis in these cases), that space gets way smaller. To be clear, that space is still large in terms of any absolute number you could put on it, but the number of songs out there is crazy large. Over 60,000 songs are uploaded to Spotify every day. My preferred solution would be to make copyright infringement on publishing such an insanely high bar that it almost never happens. Lol @ copyrighting a melody, let alone a “vibe” or whatever dumb shit they awarded in the Marvin Gaye case. Copyright of the recording is different.

Because one fight between nuclear powers wasn’t enough:

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