2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

7 hours is right around my break even point. If it’s eight, I’m probably flying. That’s if I’m solo.

Adding drivers and travelers makes driving more and more attractive. If it’s the whole family, then I’d probably always drive assuming equal travel time.

I don’t understand these poll results. Both options take the exact same amount of time. Both options involve sitting in a mildly uncomfortable position with a bit of variation but overall similar degree of flexibility in moving around - during the flight you are more cramped compared to the car, but that’s cancelled out by the vast amount of freedom you have while at the airport. The bathroom situation seems breakeven at best for the car. So does the food comparison.

The only clear difference is that in option A you can read, watch a movie, get drunk!, message your friends, work, sleep, or do virtually anything else you’d otherwise be doing at home, while in option B you have to maintain full concentration for the entire period in order to not become a statistic in one of the leading causes of death in the country. Easy choice!


As someone who routinely does road trips, flight is better until it’s way more expensive ainec. Maybe ppl are used to living in places where you’re close to other major cities/decent destinations? Maybe flights are cheaper for people living in major US cities?

I enjoy driving. Driving is easy. I can adjust my schedule based on mood. I get offended by airport food prices. I usually fly Frontier or Spirit, so my car is much more comfortable.

There’s huge value in being able to leave when you want, not having to go through security or navigate an airport generally (something very difficult with someone who is disabled), and, most importantly - not having to deal with the shithead people on the plane.

Also if you have roughly the same comfort in your car as an airplane you’re either driving in a shitty car or sitting in first/business class

LAX is a nightmare. Driving all the way.

Planes are safer, and you have the option to spend your time sleeping, watching a movie, reading, etc., while driving you’re just driving, listening to something, and trying not to crash or fall asleep at the wheel, especially as the travel time goes up. In a situation where driving and flying are pretty close in time, Seattle to Portland, I usually drive, but flying isn’t without its upsides. By the time we’re talking about 6+ hrs driving vs. flying, flying looks much more attractive. In the scenario above, where a layover extends flight time, but it’s also a pretty long drive, I’m ambivalent, and would probably pick based on whether I’d use a car at the destination or not.



There has been a genius idea in dealing with these floods. I regret to inform you that this person is a member of the Australian Labor Party and a secretary for the Australian Council of Trade Unions.


I’ve literally designed my entire life around driving as little as possible. A preference for driving is an unambiguous sign of serious mental illness. Seek help.

The issue is that reasonable flights are $1000+. I can fly for about $350 total for 2 but I wouldn’t get in or home until 1 am each time. I’m having decision paralysis because both options suck.

The last time that happened to me I took Greyhound.

Long drives to work suck, but I go on long road trips twice a year and it’s always fun.

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I think a lot of people are ignoring the stress involved with certain types of drives.

A 5 hour drive from Erie, PA to Cincinnati is much less stressful than a 5 hour drive from NH to NYC.

Driving through PA is a bit depressing.

This is truly awesome! A+.

This seems like a pretty unpopular opinion, but flying on Spirit is great. I did a few poker trips this year from Chicago, like Thursday to Monday type stuff, my tickets were $30-50 each way, I just pack a small bag so it’s free, I’m always last on the plane so I don’t stand in that line, fire up a movie on my phone, maybe get some Tito’s and a bloody mary mix, and boom I’m in Miami or Tampa or Dallas. Beautiful. And I must run good because my flights were almost never delayed.

I agree 100% and I think it has spoiled me. I don’t need some crazy comfort seat if I am paying $50 lol. Paying $500 for flights is hard for me now.

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I’m probably taking the drive there but it’s close. As a 6’5" person flying isn’t a great experience even in nicer seats. Sitting in a normal seat is extremely uncomfortable for me, I always try to get an exit row and luckily when I fly with my wife we get upgraded to 1st class most of the time because of her status. Bathrooms on planes are terrible, I can’t even stand up in them because of the way the roof angles above the toilet.

Just in time for the end of Covid, a portrait of the King.