2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I think so but to me it’s just odd that somehow very abstract things like inflation going up 2 -5 percentage points a year somehow plays more in people’s minds than seeing construction, help wanted signs and everyone begging people to go work.

In my mind it’s tied to corona. People hear we’re got a plague and we shouldn’t go out and eat or enjoy things so they abstract out that the economy must be down because people shouldn’t be doing everything they want to, even if the actual restrictions are minimal.

But I don’t know

People have already internalized that jobs are hard to fill and unemployment is almost non-existent. They will be shocked and even more discouraged the next time those things aren’t true again.

Most people don’t know what a recession really is. They’re saying the economy sucks, and for most of them that’s true. Try renting an apartment with a service industry paycheck. Or buying a car. Or groceries. Or finding daycare. Or healthcare. Or ever having more than a 50 bucks available. It’s really shitty out there if you’re not in the WFH professional class.


Love this


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I think a recession is when you could have bought a bunch of Bitcoin ten years ago but didn’t.




So much going on here but I’m most fascinated by the piece of PVC pipe that Laura uses to spin the wheel at ~1:10.

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And those of us who have lived through a real recession have no idea what the depression was like. Seemed to permanently scar an entire generation.


now remember for all our arguments, these people are the average voter


I wasn’t paying full attention, but it seems like only 2 of the 3 are confirmed idiots. The other dude just kept running bad on spins.

As you say, that seems like a fair reflection of the electorate.

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the feeling when you realize the video is only one-fifth over




If you guys had the option of a 7 hour drive to a destination or a 7 hour flight (layover included) which would you take?

  • Flight All Day
  • Road Trip!

0 voters

I would snap drive 10+ hours to avoid 7 hours of planes and airports.

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Assuming equal travel time and I’m driving all day long.

If it’s a 7 hour flight/whatever combo, then I’m willing to do a days worth of driving easily to avoid a flight unless there’s some sort of circumstance that makes having a car super annoying at my destination.

I don’t have a car or license so my decision was made for me

who’s driving ?

Even split between my wife and I.

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I honestly don’t mind airports and flying and all, but being able to pack what you want, not have to deal with other people, being able to freely get around once you get to your destination. Definitely driving.

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Depends on how bad the drive is. If I have to drive through any large metro area, give me the plane every time.