2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Jake The Snake Roberts tells some great stories about Andre the Giant on JRE.


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That episode was well before covid.

Jake spent half the episode ragging on Tony Hinchcliffe who was there with him for some reason. Pretty sick burn. Also, Jake had a super fucked up childhood that he was quite candid about in the interview. Definitely one of the top episodes of the podcast.

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Hard to believe those numbers, even with optimal packing.

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You don’t believe five trucks showed up?

Taking the tweet literally, it’s 200-400 truckers per truck. Seemed like a lot but figuring 200 lbs apiece, 400 truckers puts them right at the 80,000 lb load limit for a semi.

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And deplorable truckers weigh extra because they’re completely full of shit.

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Also Vegas is like a four hour drive from LA. Maybe the In n Out in Barstow got backed up serving 4,000 double doubles.

I was wondering where I had heard the idea that conservatives didn’t want to fight air pollution out of some concern trolling about minority property values

“Give me a capsule that will magically clean all the air in Los Angeles,” UCLA economist Armen Alchian said in 1979. “Beg me to crush it… I won’t crush the capsule, because if I do, poor blacks will have to pay $20 a month more for land rental.”

He added: “The black in Watts, already used to living with bad air, loses his discount for doing that.”

Alchian was preaching a characteristically conservative economic skepticism of environmental regulations to an audience of extremely powerful individuals: federal judges. The seminar was delivered as part of the Manne Economics Institute for Federal Judges, effectively an ideological boot camp intended to persuade jurists to adopt and promote conservative economic principles — disdain for regulation, belief in the primacy of profit, faith in the power of the Invisible Hand — in their rulings.

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Pretty brutal flooding in northern NSW and southern QLD at the moment. It’s kind of a co-equal lead story with the Ukraine situation here. In northern NSW they had 700mm of rain in a day, which is the amount of rain London gets in a year.

Here are a couple before and after pics from the town of Lismore:



Apparently air pollution is identified more and more as something that results in a ton of long term harm.




Recession where you can’t walk 5 feet without hitting a help wanted sign

“peak” karen. if my favorite restaurant isn’t open 24/7 with plenty of servers for instant service, it’s a recession.

Well that’s the thing. Who’s seeing the benefits of that extra growth? Sure the numbers are growing larger but the vast majority of it goes to a small percentage of people. The other 90+% live their lives virtually unchanged.

So it’s easy to believe that the economy isn’t growing if you aren’t already rich.

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People are never happy unless things are improving.