2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I also hate driving. But I hate flying even more.

Can anyone find/repost the Bart Simpson WE GOT HIM meme?

It could work. Drink the water, don’t pee.

The floods made NBC news in the US last night, not that that’s any consolation.

After you live in LA for a while, you become numb to being stuck in traffic. You have to or you’ll go insane. Just make sure you have a comfy car with some good music or podcast/audio book.

That said, my commute before covid was one shot on a freeway. So I could just zone out and do the same moves every time. My boss’s was a ton of surface streets and always bobbing and weaving. That would stress me out.

This - I’m 6’1 with a big frame. I pretty much just shell out for business class on almost all flights now, or I don’t go. Anything more than 2 hours in coach and my back and knees are a wreck for days. I can’t even imagine those bathrooms at 6’5.

I’m going to Paris for a writing workshop/vacation in July. Business class was $3300, coach $2000. Total no-brainer for me to spend the extra $1300. It’s not just the comfort on the trip. But now I’m looking forward to the nice lay-flat seats, instead of utterly dreading the flight. It feels like a vacation, not an ordeal. That’s worth a lot to me.

Same (6’2" though).

I don’t necessarily go business class since I don’t have that much cash but I definitely get the exit row seat for extra bucks. Totally worth my knees not being fucked for an entire flight.



How obligated would you feel to go to a college friends wedding that you have only talked to 5ish times in the last decade?

They did come to our wedding 4 years ago.

  • 0% Obligation
  • 25% Obligation
  • 50% Obligation
  • 75% Obligation
  • Go asshole.

0 voters

No obligation, but this is the kind of thing that I always try to talk myself out of, and always have a great time when I actually do it.


Depends almost entirely on how far away it is.

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Refer back to my shitty travel options lol. 7 hour drive or 7 hour bad flight.

I would not feel, “obligated”, but I’d probably try to go. Like LFS said, I often enjoy these semi-random type of weddings where I probably know a few people (I’m assuming you share some mutual friends from the college days), but I’m not particularly close with the couple (who will probably be too busy and distracted to spend too much time with, anyway).

So, if something about it (cost, timing, distance) made attendance really inconvenient, I wouldn’t sweat it, but in most cases I’d go. And, depending on location and my schedule, maybe try to do some other activities along the way or at the destination so that I’d have a fun trip even if the wedding itself was a bit meh.

Then that’s a 0% from me. I’ve skipped out on a close family weddings that were nearer than that.

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Went from 25% to go once I saw they went to yours

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I haven’t been to any of my college friends’ weddings and they are unlikely to come to mine if I ever do get married.

Before I had kids I’d 100% go.

Now it’s probably 50/50.

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It’s 2022 and this dude is only just now realizing Frank Miller is problematic?


There’s stories of perservence in the face of hardship and then there’s this woman’s story of surviving ISIS


She began filling the notebook with descriptions of the people she saw, what they said and of the secret locations Adnani took her to. What of her own feelings? “I wrote those down too,” Sipan said.

She used the bear to conceal the notebook. She slit its back, removed some of the stuffing to make room and sewed it back up. “I was hoping to get it out for the world to read,” Sipan said. “Even if I died.” Buffeted between her determination to remember and a powerful urge to forget, her sense of time grew fuzzy and she has difficulty recalling precise dates.

Jesus. This whole story is one of the most devastating things I’ve ever read.