2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

We need an automated robot to clear the junk out of the way of the automated food delivery bots.


at least 90-95% of all miles swam will be done successfully by machine. it’s the last 5% of swimming miles that kills you by drowning.

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These things (both scooters and delivery robots) are all over my campus, too. I’m still in the “Holy shit, I can’t believe that’s a real thing” phase when I see the robots. Still haven’t ordered from one, though.

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The story in itself is not all that interesting - or maybe it is to you who knows - but it reminded me of the youTube showing Bezo’s wealth as grains of rice.

Above is 1 million mosquitos.

Musk is estimated to be worth ~$218bn

Each mosquito in that pile represents ~$218,000.

Man I had not been paying attention, did not know he (or anyone) was worth that much. At first I assumed you had slipped an extra digit in there.

Can you imagine having that much wealth and not just stopping whatever else you’re doing to dedicate yourself to helping people? My lord the amount of good you could do.

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I have to admit my impulse would be to attack it

Intrepid space exploration!*

*low orbit joyrides for the wealthy

Easy to lose track …

Some billionaires have had a particularly good pandemic, even by the standards of their peers. The wealth of Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk increased by around 1,000%, to a current value of around $270 billion.

This should take car of it.


Dave was required viewing in college.


While in the mall I was cutting through a shop I saw a Romeo + Juliet shirt, under vintage. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


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Dem candidate for House (lost to Inhoffe in last senate election) got drunk at a tween’s sleepover, cursed out the kids with racially tinged language, puked on a girl’s shoes and into a laundry hamper, then denied it when asked by journalists and threatened to sue.

(She totally did it and now says it’s because she mixed anxiety meds with wine).


Prior to throwing up in a shoe did the Oklahoma congressional candidate drunkenly call a tween girl on a sleepover

A. Acne Fucker
B. Hispanic Fucker
C. Judgy Fucker
D. All of the above

:partying_face: :wine_glass::woozy_face: #&!! :face_vomiting:

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Battlebots is still a thing? I remember that being on G4/TechTV in the early 2000s.


LOL at “Can I bring my Xbox?”


From Rupar. Suddenly granting immigrants asylum is a great idea!

