2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Ha ha she sure triggers the libs. I’m voting for her for all the lols!

I don’t know what state she’s running in but whichever it is she’ll probably win

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I’ve never posted anything like this, but this is the only place I have any hope of a human response after youtube deleted 700 videos created for internal training for our company. My wife started a company that helps people transition from colleges in their home country (for instance the IIT system in India) by translating their credit system into the American educational credit system.

She utilized a youtube channel with unlisted videos to explain to internal employees the nuances of difficult evaluation types, for instance how to determine for CEGEPs in Quebec the difference between upper secondary and post secondary. Another example would be how to award credits for MBBS programs from U.K modeled educational system (West Africa, India etc).

Youtube sent her 3 strikes in one week. On videos that were 4 years old, indicating cyber bullying. These videos were unlisted and literally contained only incredibly dense, rather boring videos covering the nooks and crannies of various educational systems and how they relate to each other. When she responded, she received an auto reply that stated you get a reply within 2 business days. No further response despite repeated requests within the system, then tweets, and finally submitting a new appeal form from scratch to which the reply was nothing can be done because too much time had passed.

This stuff is scary - imagine when AWS starts twisting the screws.


Where the high brow Stop the Steal is going to go



Correct reply

The Leo/Daines movie?


Awww man, im old?

In northern Tanzania, more than 70,000 Indigenous Maasai residents are once again facing eviction from ancestral lands as the government reveals plans to lease the land to a UAE-based company to create a wildlife corridor for trophy hunting and elite tourism.

What thread were we talking about optimum house sizes? Anyone fancy 7sqm? Only 50 grand.

The minimum price set by auctioneers is £50,000, but it is expected to go for more as it was bought for £103,500 in May 2017.

The owner has already recouped their investment by getting £800 in rent each month.


He got paid in Bitcoin.

Huh. Turns out people have been using all those private Swiss bank accounts for some pretty shady stuff.


lol men (not mine, found it on reddit)


Did you get the job?



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I’m not going to do a bunch of math, but I bet we could create a scenario that involves a low interest mortgage, a low down payment, and enough positive cashflow that the down payment is recouped, which would make “recouped their investment” not incorrect.

Still seems tough to even pull that off, but I have no idea what normal is for down payments, interest rates, and property taxes in the UK.

This can’t be real.

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I thought so too, but the redditor who postedit actually answered the ad (via email, lol) and the guy actually answered and asked for a text (as he stated in the ad that he would). Lends credence to the rest of it, unfortunately. I’d go back and find the thread again, but I’m lazy.