2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

YouTube will simply not stop trying to get me to watch Jordan Peterson videos. If there is any triangulation happening at all, they must be going from Hockey + Chess = Male = Would love JP, ldo. But I have clicked Not Interest or Don’t Recommend Channel on every single Alt Right piece of garbage they try to force feed me and it still comes through constantly.

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DuckDuckGo has gotten quite good. I very rarely need to go to Google for better results.

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Wow if we can’t trust Zero Hedge I don’t know who to turn to.


Same. My theory is that the algorithm has figured out that if it can get you into JP videos, your engagement (on average) will begin to skyrocket as you go down the rabbit hole to Molyneux et al. So it’s worth it for the algorithm to keep throwing Hail Marys in the hope that it eventually works.

Twitter has a new dark pattern where if you click a link to a tweet from another source, it shows you like 3 replies, followed by a More Replies link, followed by random shit it wants to promote that’s tangentially related to the tweet. I’ve seen JP in those a bunch.

Btw to get out of that dark pattern you have to click the tweet or one of the replies so that it loads in the browser. My fear is they’re going to change all tweets to that format at some point and twitter will become unreadable.

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I thought it was just me. Google has looked at my demographics and refuses to take no for an answer.

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Oh no! Can you imagine a world without Twitter!



Don’t stay logged in to Google or any other account.
Block ads and trackers.
Use automatic cookie deletion.

You can avoid so much of what makes the web shitty if you stop trading your privacy for a bit of convenience.


I’m having the same issues. Used to be the top video on the side of the page all the time. Now it’s more like the 5th or 6th down but still there.

Basically if you watch anything politically related on YT regardless of ideology, there’s a lot of JP video recommendations coming your way.

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I mean, I have successfully trained YouTube to feed me stuff I actually want (chess and hockey and Chinese cooking and physiotherapy stuff) at least 90% of the time. That’s what makes the Alt Right stuff jump out. It’s like several rows of how to make mapo tofu and attack the Scandinavian defense, and then something about how no one is more oppressed than straight white men, and then several rows of goalie bloopers and how to improve thoracic spine extension.


i get recommended this subject, but that’s because everything political i watch mentions the nato crisis.


Wife just got a thing from a debt collection company, with the source of the debt some medical company that I can’t remember at all. It goes on to specifically say that ‘because of the age of this debt, we will not sue you or report it to credit bureaus’ or whatever. It’s like 250 bucks. Trash this right?

I wouldn’t be taking thier word or risking my credit rating for $250.

My brother had his credit rating hurt for years over a $16 utility bill he didn’t even know he owed from a place after he moved out.

Would it change your thinking at all if it was my wife’s credit, not mine, and that since she makes no money our credit goes through me entirely? Hell even if she started working it wouldn’t be a difference maker compared to me.

In that case then ya I wouldn’t worry too much. It’s super weird they are saying they won’t sue or report though. Debt collectors are not famous for their compassion. Lol

Sounds like it is out of the statute of limitations (4 years in CA). There is some trouble that can restart the SOL and make you owe the whole thing again. Never reply, never ack the debt, and never do business with them and you should be fine. Send them $1 and you could be in more trouble.

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Brittney’s conservator should have a free slot.

What’s the immediate benefit of doing all this other than not getting targeted ads?

I already block ads. I don’t want to delete all my cookies and have to log in again everywhere. Staying logged in to google is convenient.

For all you know paying it could actually wreck your credit. IE - it’s some bogus charge for $2500, and paying it makes it look on your credit like you settled or $250,

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You’re complaining about what youtube, twitter, etc stick in front of your face. I’m telling you how to avoid that. Every time I go to youtube it’s the most generic and banal crap possible on the front page.

Of course you find staying logged in convenient. Yet you seem unwilling to acknowledge the price of that convenience.