2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Ten years from now we’re all going to wonder how it is Kanye wasn’t institutionalized. The guy is full-on having a serious mental health crisis.


Rich people are American royalty.

do any countries have four day work weeks and/or school weeks?

And Kanye is a late Hapsburg.

If ever there was a book written for me! No way it can be as good as it is in my head.

Came out this week. I’ll report back my inevitable disappointment.


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I regret to inform the forum that I must retract the last ten (10) years of my poasts, and that they should hereby not be relied upon. Thank you.


keep us posted, I’m a klosterman fan but I think he’s better experienced on podcasts than in writing

I got it the other day as well since I have all his other stuff though. Think I’ve only really liked 1 or 2 of them but usually greatly enjoy a chapter or two still.

Kanye is basically everything Britney was accused of


Ugh, I hate the teeth falling out/breaking dream last night for the first time ever.

That really sucks. I immediately checked my mouth this morning to make sure I hadnt swallowed any of my crowns.


Out of falling elevator, car inexplicably careening into somewhere, and that one its the worst.

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Had these ones a lot when I was a kid. My dad’s red 90 Honda civic just pitching off of cliffs like I was in a goddamn Toonces sketch. Those were always hard to get back to sleep. At least this one last night occurred during my last REM cycle so it hit right around when my alarm went off, so I didnt have to go back to sleep after


I thought France had traditionally had a 4 day work week but that it has been changing in the last twenty years to five day weeks. Maybe Im wrong.

Saw this about Belgium today

Employees would be able to request a four-day workweek for a trial six-month period. If they so desire, they can stay with the shortened workweek or decide to opt out. The abbreviated workweek is somewhat different compared to what other countries and companies have enacted. The countries and businesses stripped away one day of the workweek without making people put in more hours during the other four days.

Belgium’s program would condense the current five-day week into four days. In practice, this means maintaining a 38-hour working week, with an additional day off compensating for longer work days. Employees would work longer hours each of the four days.

Article also lists these countries trying out different implementations

  • Scotland
  • Spain
  • Iceland
  • UAE

The innumerable “falling” dreams I’ve had over the years are why I can’t stand heights now but they didn’t bother me as a kid.

Capitalist America will switch to a four-day work week when it can also switch to an eight-day week so that drones have enough time to work two full-time jobs.

Like everything else this decade, expect a K shaped outcome. High earning salaried people will gladly embrace a 4 day work week for themselves. The hourly paid drones can have a “4 day work week”, who cares? They get paid when they work and don’t get paid when they don’t.

In a dream I lost my teeth again
Calling me woman and a half man
Yes in a dream all my teeth fell out
A cracked smile and a silent shout
A cracked smile and a silent shout

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gee what gave that away, was it the weird pro kremlin articles? or the really f’ing weird pro kremlin articles?

god fuck these intelligence people are dumb as a rock

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Reddit is currently the most popular search engine. The only people who don’t know that are the team at Reddit, who can’t be bothered to build a decent search interface. So instead we resort to using Google, and appending the word “reddit” to the end of our queries.

I have noticed google search results used to have three ads at the top. Now the whole first page is ads.

Once you get off the first or second page, the results get even worse-- with pages entirely unrelated to the query (e.g. not even containing the searched phrases). They are probably testing/already implemented some sort of multi armed bandit type optimization like on Youtube’s search results where they just show any popular pages (ignoring relevancy) to see if they yield a click.

Yay - dark patterns in search results. I guess it was only a matter of time.

Discussion here: Google Search Is Dying | Hacker News