2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

It’s hyphenated which removes any possible ambiguity.




I have no idea who this guy is, but the intentionally offensive joke that the audience knows is offensive is hardly unknown. See Stewart Lee’s routine about vomiting into jeses’ anus, the aristocrats, etc.

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Jimmy Carr’s entire act is saying something extremely offensive with the joke being “Hey that was very offensive, so offensive that the idea of it being a joke is funny because its so obviously not funny!” He has made a whole career out of it. :man_shrugging:



B.O. is definitely the way to go for that one.

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Jimmy Carr is funny.

Offensive? Yeah. That’s his whole thing. But he’s a great comedian.


Meh. He’s no different to a right wing shock jock, always punching down at people.

Plus he’s a tax avoiding prick.

God damn this sounds awesome

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Yo, sup

Anyone about? I’m kinda drunk & bored

I have learnt after all the beatings that ATF is not the place to troll when you’re drunk and bored. So, yo, I’m here!

The 1987 He-Man movie is incredible and I need to talk about it right now.

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Ok, once you ejaculate, we can discuss.


Hmm… not so interested in discussing it post-coitus, huh? Noted, Trolly, noted.

The Flop House is going to do a livestream review of the He-Man movie in March, so I decided to give it a watch. It’s so much more amazing than I expected.

Skeletor is played by one Frank Langella, four-time Tony-awarded, classically-trained Frank Langellia. At the end of the movie, Langellia’s Skeletor breaks the fourth wall, looks right into the camera, and launches into a Shakespearean monologue as the Pomp-and-Circumstance background orchestra swells. I basically lost my mind at this point in the movie.

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Trolly, I didn’t think this is a question I’d ever need to ask you, but…

Do you currently have an erection?

As someone who treasures garbage pop culture, there are few things I love more than seeing an extremely talented actor pour themselves completely into a garbage B-movie role and leaving nothing on the field. It’s Sir Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing doing a Mummy movie, it’s Raul Julia in Street Fighter, it’s Mickey Rouke from The Expendables. Zero expectations, but they go all-in and deliver something incredible.

Do you currently have an erection?

Not yet…

Clearly not trying hard enough

Raul Julia was such a boss. Dude was dying of cancer but still turned out one of the greatest B-movie performances of all time. But for me, it was Tuesday. Goddamn, what a line.

He was he dude with Clint Eastwood and Charlie Sheen in “The Rookie”, right? He was the bad guy.