2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

i have had that since thursday last week. it’s fairly mild, as long as i take advil for headache and pay attention that i can breathe through the nose.

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Pretty much what I have. It’s quite mild though.

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if you had a friend that pissed in your pool, you’d probably be like “aw cmon dude don’t do that again, just get out next time” but if that same friend took a piss into your pool from outside the pool, you’d never talk to them again. same outcome though, so it’s a bit confusing.

Our <6 month old just recently had it. Shit sucks. Not much we could do besides constantly check on him and worry whether we needed to take him to the hospital. Luckily seems to be completely over it but def do not recommend.

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Both my daughters almost certainly just had it a few weeks ago (the doctor didn’t bother testing for it as he said there was no point, but he did test to rule out flu, strep, and covid). They had croup and stridor really bad with it as well. Dexamethasone worked like a miracle though to help with the croup and breathing issues. I can’t say enough good things about it.

Our whole region is in triage mode. We don’t have a peds unit due to low staff so the hospital decided we will send our <6mo to our NICU and board the rest in our ED until we can xfer them.


Sounds about right.

pretty sure my daughter had this since she tested negative for covid, had the flu vaccine and neither myself or wife got what she had and she was very sick.

Data science is my passion



Ah yes, notoriously woke Alabama.

Did they mixup MN and AL?

HI and GA having similar wokeness scores is odd.

Anything preventive one can do? I am always worried about any Respitory infections.

We devised a wokeness measure that is calculated by searching publicly available parent-student handbooks and tabulating their usage of certain keywords (such as gender identity, justice, and equity) that could signal affirmation of fashionable progressive theories about teaching and learning. We then observed how these measures correlate with charter school state rankings issued by the Center for Education Reform (CER), which assigns a score according to the degree to which the state charter sector is controlled by parental preferences rather than those of regulators.

Our study requires us to measure charter wokeness and regulatory capture. To measure the former, we examined publicly available parent-student handbooks of the 20 largest charter schools in each state by enrollment. We then counted the number of times those handbooks contain words or phrases that indicate adherence to contemporary progressive education orthodoxy. Specifically, the terms we searched for in charter school student handbooks are: (1) diversity, (2) equity, (3) inclusion, (4) justice, (5) restorative, (6) social-emotional learning, (7) gender identity, and (8) culturally affirming

So, they Ctrl+F for a few phrases from these handbooks. They don’t share the data and the references section only lists 3 handbooks by my quick count.

Aside, dafuq is a charter school? Where I grew up, the charter school was for the kids that got into fights and/or caused too many disruptions for the other students.

A charter school is a privately run, publicly funded school. Most states have them nowadays.

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big yikes

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If its all just a CTRL+F job, I’d expect the right-wing schools to come out as “woke”. Its not exactly a secret that they are far more concerned with opposing gender identity sort of stuff than the left is with pushing it.

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My nearly four year old had it. Ended up in the ER. Shit was worse than COVID


I am still thinking about this. Like, were any of the hands of poker I played real?

masks, stay away from sick people, suction their nose when they get super stuffed up

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