2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

It’s like an all white canvas painting, it’s incredibly easy but somebody had to be the first to pretend it was a big deal.



Every time I see a story about an incel it is some random average looking white guy. Have these guys ever noticed when they leave their house that there are other random average looking white guys who do have girl friends?

Please don’t encourage them. Let those genes die.


A minute ago

My wife: what are you thinking about
Me: I was just reading some stuff about incels and hoping [our young son] doesn’t turn into one
My wife: What’s an incel?


This is probably already covered in the baseball thread, but seemed like it might be of more general interest


Interesting that the 32 y/o CFO of Tyson Foods is the son of the board chairman. I had learned to tie my shoes by 32 y/o, but I stopped getting blackout drunk at least a few years prior. Congrats on the job. (I guess he’s lucky that the lady apparently wasn’t big into stand your ground laws.)

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Dang, that guy had been doing so good since he redid all 12 grades in six months


Reminds me of this

He lasted almost two years, google/linked in says he’s now CFO/co-CEO of livekindly Co, an alternative meat company. Doubt they are profitable, but they have raised 500M. Dunno if he left Heinz due to ethical concerns, greed, or some mix of reasons.

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It sounds like he screwed up and was forced out

Well fuck me.


Under 31-year old Knopf, who would return to his role as a partner at 3G Capital, Kraft Heinz has this year written down $15.4 billion in the value of two marquee brands, slashed dividends and withdrawn its financial outlook.

The change is the first big move by new CEO Miguel Patricio since the Portuguese marketing veteran was brought in from Anheuser-Busch InBev ABI.BR in April with the aim of rebooting Kraft Heinz.

I mean, how could things go wrong with a Portuguese “marketing veteran” at the helm? At some point people just need to accept that having a near monopoly on multiple ubiquitous condiments is a good thing and just keep the golden goose happy. But I guess LBOs are to some extent ponzi schemes, where the buyer always believes they can wring more out of a company.

Let’s see how the stock is doing since the 2015 merger. hmm, looks like it’s lost a bit over 10% of value in the last decade. I guess people stopped eating. Bummer.


“If we see a continuation of the situation where, until the age of 25, young women drink as much as men their age, then there will be no children,” Kaczyński said on Saturday.

“A man, in order to become an alcoholic, has to drink excessively for 20 years on average … while a woman only two.”

This guy thinks sobriety is going to lead to more pregnancies? Not sure I understand the logic on that one.

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I like how he gave everyone who spent 3k or more a free mattress (maybe everything free) if astros won. He assumes he will get his 10 million he bet back but the rest will go to customers.

Always been a fan of this dude’s marketing acumen.

Was maybe first time in my life (since I could tell time), that I completely missed a time change.


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Don’t know if we have a World Cup thread yet, but I am still shocked that some people were against holding it in Qatar

Asked about the fact that homosexuality is illegal in his country, Salman said: “They have to accept our rules here. [Homosexuality] is haram. You know what haram means?”

When asked why it was haram, or forbidden, Khalid Salman said: “I am not a strict Muslim but why is it haram? Because it is damage in the mind.”

Salman was speaking in his capacity as an ambassador for the 2022 World Cup