2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread



What? That was real?

lol white people


I lived it. Moved to Austin a couple years after it was filmed, and I can vouch for its accuracy in capturing the vibe of the city at that time.


$1 million I probably just throw into Vanguard funds and forget about for a while, until it’s time to pay for college for a couple of girls or so. Once that’s done, then we think about retiring a little early and/or getting to travel more when retired.

$1 billion, geez. Managing the upheaval would be job one, but then, I like AQ’s idea about making a big dent in homelessness. Maybe by some combination of establishing free transitional housing and building and selling high density, affordable, housing in mixed use buildings and using the proceeds to do more of that.

Funny, I was just thinking this morning that if I won a billion, I’d buy a new house and then see if I could just give my house to a homeless family. Do all the fixes/remodeling I would want to do if I lived there, furnish it for them, and maybe even pay the property taxes and insurance for a while.

LAX grope game is weak. There’s no way that guy actually verified I wasn’t hiding anything behind my nutsack.

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Oh yeah. A promise and a delivery, and a hero is born.


I don’t know what happened between Chicken Pier 3 and Chicken Pier 2, but wtf was in that chicken?

What level is this on? A rotisserie chicken is a perfectly cromulent meal to incorporate into your diet everyday. Is the non-remarkableness of it the joke?

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Yeah I don’t get the chickenman thing and I think I hate that it is taking over the internet.

Probably something like that. It’s just a silly thing to do and to make a big thing. Hey, if he can get a bunch of people together and make them happy, that’s cool.

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Yeah this doesn’t seem the little bit difficult.

Is this some sort of keto diet thing?


Glad to see his kind words about immigrant women



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First thing I read after your post is

Like crabs in a barrel, angry, young, virgin men brainwash each other with an ideology that tells them that only extremely good-looking men have any success with women and life, and that if you don’t fit that criteria, women will not only ignore you, but set out to destroy you. It encourages anyone who doesn’t have the right jaw shape, who isn’t tall enough or who isn’t a “Chad” (a highly attractive male) to give up. It also points them to one ultimate enemy: women

Consistently throughout the making of the documentary, I found myself speechless. Like when I found out incels were hammering their own faces to try to rearrange their jawlines in a process called “looksmaxxing”. Or when I met a female incel, a “femcel”, who told me that she spent her days watching “gore” videos (showing people being horrifically murdered and tortured). She told me that doing this made her “more empathic”. Her story represents the growth of the problem. It pulled in the very people who suffered the most from it: women.

Every person I met on this unusual journey empathised with those who had gone on to violence. They said they understood what it felt like to be repeatedly rejected and excluded, and some seemed to be attracted to the attention that comes with violence. In the violent world of incels, there’s not much hope. The ideology itself is anti-hope; it pushes its hundreds of thousands of young followers into a state of despair. Many of the people I encountered while making this film had decided their only option was suicide. The creators of one of the most popular incel sites had even created a pro-suicide website for that very cause.


Related to the lottery discussion:

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