2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I’ve been seeing editorials in mainstream papers with headlines lines like:

“So Kanye’s been cancelled…when do we start going after white anti-Semites?”



I believe this is peak capitalism. Only down from here.

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The official explanation is a rogue disgruntled employee.

Pick a lane imo.

They should have built this place next to a soup kitchen, with a glass wall in between them.


Damn, I can’t believe something like that could happen under the nose of the US military. It’s usually such a stand-up institution

This could have been c/p’d from a story about Qatar’s world cup prep

He said his salary was about $260, less than half of what was promised, and he worked 12 hours a day with no days off for almost three years.

Abdulla, whose real name is being withheld because he fears retaliation, signed a contract and handed over his passport.

Abdulla is one of thousands of people allegedly trafficked into labor by private contractors on U.S. military bases — where workers have been paid less than promised, charged recruiting fees that leave them deep in debt, and pressured to sign improper contracts and work long hours, according to government reports. In some cases, they even faced physical abuse.

i’ll go and let you know how my dog compares it to the literal shit he eats


No doubt there were people in America thinking, “That’s a pretty sweet setup. Maybe we can do that here.”

Turns out those people were in the army.

They were outside contractors, so probably ex-military giving kickbacks to their former superiors. That’s a pretty standard corruption route where everybody gets a taste but the military pretends to see nothing.




She doesn’t have security at her house?


“With Speaker Pelosi away, there would not have been a security detail at the residence, according to one source familiar with protocol”

So I guess Nancy was in DC and the Capitol Police protection only attaches to her and doesn’t cover other family members/ her residence when she isn’t there. Other parts of the article do mention cameras, and there’s probably an alarm system, but no one present on site.



Big fan of that movie

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Honestly surprised stuff like this (or more extreme) doesn’t happen more frequently.


I would expect more of this, as time goes on one thing that will happen is all these deplorable assholes who have bought into Trumpy bullshit will keep noticing that their lives aren’t getting any better despite what Dear Leader says. Some of them will eventually have an epiphany that the Trump cult is all bullshit and they’ll stop believing. But many others will keep getting angrier and angrier until they snap and decide that someone has to Step Up and Do Something about all these commie transgender CRT pedophile Demonrats that are stopping America from being Great Again.


Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read.