2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I have found gargling salt effective, but while you are doing it, the living will envy the dead.


I don’t care anymore if the books will ever get finished. I only started reading them during the first season of Game of Thrones. I can’t imagine what it must have been for people who have been waiting since 1996.
I think there is an implicit bargain between the readers and the author of a multi-book epic. We, the readers, buy your books on the understanding that the author will keep writing and releasing the remaining installments and eventually finish it in a reasonable timeframe. Five to six years for A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons was already pushing that.
Another 12 years have passed with no book in sight. Martin has been announcing that it will be released next year since 2015. That’s just dishonest at this point.

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he’s an impossible perfectionist - which I am as well - so I understand his struggle a lot. He’ll never finish. There’s still one more book, and look at him. Lol. he doesn’t have 20 more years.

i remember when kanye first started designing clothes and i thought it was a social statement, like, “rich people will buy anything if it’s absurdly expensive” because it looked so terrible. then he got the shoe deal and he made the ugliest shoes possible, it’s like when homer simpson designed a car, but instead of every imaginable function they had negative function, just a total disaster.

and now to find out he wasn’t making any social statement, he was legit bonkers the whole time making clothes and shoes he actually thought looked good, kinda makes sense.

like go to your local homeless shelter and ask an insane person what a good shirt looks like, and he’ll probably show you something that looks a lot like this



It is stone cold impossible to finish the series in one more book after Winds anyway. The death warrant for the series was signed when so many more characters and plotlines were introduced in Feast/Dance.

He could just write a 3000 page book

I don’t even think that would do it, to be honest.

I have a solution for the RR Martin problem. When it gets to be too much to deal with, I just wake up.

lmao instant follow


… This is amazing.


Did anyone ever read the Amtrak series?

Pretty decent post apocalyptic series. 6 books out of 7, all leading to a long prophecied final battle between good and evil.

The author just never finished book 7.

What the actual fuck my guy.

what (1)




This motherfucker murders the pumpkin like it’s the monster in a slasher movie.



Assuming you’re already on antibiotics so you don’t die.


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If he passes before it’s finished, maybe his survivors will hire Brandon Sanderson to finish it like they did for Robert Jordan and WoT.

Robert Caro has been writing about Lyndon Johnson his entire career and may not even get to the meat of his presidency before dying!

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He’s trying to pull a Trump, but he’s no Trump. I think he’s going to end up ruined.