2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread



Sounds like he really Owned The Libs by splattering his brains all over the road.

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Speaking of porn addiction

Francis urged the seminarians to use social media “to advance, to communicate” while warning them about the dangers, namely digital pornography.

“I will not say, ‘raise your hand if you have had at least one experience of this’,” the pope said. “But if each of you think you have had the experience or temptation … It is a vice that so many people have. So many laymen, so many laywomen, and also priests and nuns. The devil enters from there. And I’m not just talking about digital pornography like that of child abuse, this is already degeneracy. Dear brothers, pay attention to this.”





ye in full-on panic mode



Died doing what he loved.

Going to sketchers might be the craziest thing he has done yet.

Nobody can put this guy in check. He is just surrounded by crazy yes men who support his every whim. Must be really confusing to him when he gets rejected by everyone else.

This is going to at least end tragedy adjacent.

Not really. It’s the Jews controlling everyone, duh.

Good first choice, Ye. I’m sure Mr Greenberg would love to have your shoes.




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All you needed to do was highlight Greenberg

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for sure will end in tragedy, he’s been severely ill for a long time and refuses treatment or even to acknowledge there’s an issue

like wtaf is this, galoshes?:

Keanu Reeves is cited again when Perry writes about the death of comedian Chris Farley. “His disease had progressed faster than mine had. (Plus, I had a healthy fear of the word ‘heroin,’ a fear we did not share),” Perry writes. “I punched a hole through Jennifer Aniston’s dressing room wall when I found out. Keanu Reeves walks among us . I had to promote ‘Almost Heroes’ two weeks after he died; I found myself publicly discussing his death from drugs and alcohol. I was high the entire time.”

lmao i’m gonna start using this phrase now

i was stuck in traffic for an hour and a half this morning, and keanu reeves walks among us.

my lunch order was completely botched. chicken overcooked, wrong drink, fries stale, keanu reeves still walks among us

hershel walker is a united states senator and keanu reeves walks among us


imagine shitting on keanu though - legit wtf? by all accounts he’s an extremely generous man. for sure has his problems - a guy that I used to work with was a stunt man who moonlighted as a boat capt, he worked on constantine and a few other big movies, but he said the time that he met keanu reeves he was in makeup and just started yelling really loud for no reason, and barely anyone reacted at all, like it was totally normal. but he doesn’t seem like a bad guy at all

i’ve only read glowingly nice stories about keanu lol it seems like a total non sequitor

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yea he’s like one of the #1 famous people I’d most like to meet, he seems like a fascinating person.

keanu reeves walks among us

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I think there was a time that Keanu Reeves was generally thought of as a really bad actor who had inexplicably become successful. Since that time he was adopted by the internet and done some less-bad work, becoming universally loved, but I think Perry was in a pill-induced haze for much of that, so to him Keanu is still a punchline.


He is very one note, but he’s very good at that note. I’m not sure sometimes he’s really even acting, I think that’s just how he is

val kilmer obv my #2

Did you watch the Val documentary? Heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.