2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Lol the guy is a literal
Nazi who was at Charlottesville


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This is the guy who was attacked. Not shedding a tear:

While police didn’t identify the victim, Local 10 News has learned that he is Christopher Monzon.

Monzon has been in the news before.

Back in 2017, the then-22-year-old was arrested at a protest in Hollywood ahead of a city commission meeting over whether to change the name of streets honoring Confederate leaders.

Police accused Monzon, a counter-protester who was wearing a shirt that said “League of the South,” of jabbing a flag, containing a Confederate design, at people.

At the time, he faced charges of aggravated assault, inciting a riot and disorderly conduct.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors domestic extremism, the League of the South is a “neo-Confederate” hate group.


The amazing thing is he very well could have been attacked for being Hispanic by a white right-wing thug.

Maybe someday it will dawn on these guys that the white supremacitsts they’re in bed with would send them to the gas chamber in a heartbeat.


Yeah that guy is a left-wing thug. Sure.



I think Dvaut basically hit the nail on the head many years ago when he predicted that white supremacists are willing to compromise and let white Hispanics into the clubhouse in order to expand their reach. It used to be that these guys hated Catholics and Italians and Germans and etc., it’s not crazy to think that they can further expand their definition of ‘whiteness’ to incorporate the George Zimmermans and “Cuban Confederates” out there.

Probably a lot of them would love to go back to the old days when only 100% white Protestant Anglo-Saxons were allowed in the clubhouse, but they’re strategic enough to know that won’t work in 2022.

Chapo are doing a “call in” show, they want audio questions of no longer than 30 seconds, have around a day to get them in. Can anyone think of any good questions?

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Ask them if they feel it’s wise to place the underprivileged with jobs in the alternative-media sector of the economy, knowing the health risks. Might be more dangerous than cops, per some ongoing study

Aren’t white hispanics often super racist since they are an actual minority clinging to power in their respective countries?

What Vicente Fox said was: “There is no doubt that Mexican men and women, full of dignity, drive and a capacity for work, are doing the jobs that not even blacks want to do there, in the United States.”

Ask them why they can’t get real jobs

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The tedious sermonizing

Hello, is it time for the Halloween party yet? I am here as the Zelda of Celes, also known as the Celes of Zelda.

I generally believe cancelling is an overblown bogeyman created by the right. However, there are some examples of it being real. Harris had a woman on who was truly cancelled for the most bizarre reasons.

Her life story is just unreal too. It’s the stuff of movies.

I know lots of you hate Harris but this is a rare one worth listening too.

Harris’s podcast is fine even if you’re a hater, he is a pretty neutral interviewer and not amazing at it but not terrible either. He has a lot of interesting people on. I’m not a regular listener but I’ve heard several episodes and it’s a decent show.

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This isn’t the whole story, though. Infrastructure costs in the US are significantly more expensive in the US than in other countries, including European countries. I think the explanation is more complex than naked corruption, depending on how you define corruption, but there is something there. I can’t weigh in on the toilet because that’s a different state than I work in, but things like NEPA and the ESA and how stakeholders weaponize them against federal agencies add a lot to the cost of projects. There is plenty of room for serious discussion about how to improve/reform the system.

Ezra Klein had an episode on his podcast a while back that was pretty good. It looked into why US infrastructure costs were so expensive relative other developed countries. It wasn’t a satisfying conclusion, basically it’s a lab assortment of things, but it was a really decent intelligent look into that work that goes beyond the shitty arm-chair takes from dumb conservatives or pessimistic progressives.

Talk of Harris turned my thoughts to Jordan Peterson, and…

I have enough distance to make this post now, idk if I ever mentioned this but a friend of mine - not one of my inner circle but someone I knew pretty well - was paying money every month to Jordan Peterson to have I think a 15-minute call where Peterson - among other things - counselled my friend on his alcohol addiction. That was 2018. In the intervening years this fraud went away to goddamn Siberia or wherever it was to have his own benzo addiction scourged out of him with fire or something, and my friend continued to drink and has now died from (or at least overwhelmingly likely from) alcoholic liver disease. I have heard (but don’t actually know if it’s true, in case anyone reading this knows who this is) that he had some bad diagnosis a little while ago but my friends and I were unaware of it, so his death arrived suddenly for us.

I honestly can’t really hate on Peterson, who is just another damaged person. This sort of thing (charging people for addiction-recovery advice while being a severe addict yourself) is just par for the course for addicted people. The need to continue to deny reality is too strong. That a guy like Peterson is taken seriously and paid money by good people, like my friend, in reality just makes me sad. I wish that the world were a better place, and that we didn’t live in a culture where vastly more effort and resources are expended trying to create and exploit addictions than are expended trying to free people from them.



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