2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

He is still sick and everyone is mad because emu girl won’t wear a mask around her emus and she might be patient zero for the next epidemic but in a Lynchian twist there is now a second emu girl who is non-problematic but one of her emus is extremely violent and trying to murder her.


Didn’t emu girl turn out to be a racist or something?

Yes but also people are getting mad at the new emu girl because they’re getting the two mixed up.



I have thought this for a while now. There’s just too many mouths to feed or something. Too much institutional bureaucracy.

Think of how long you could rent a bank of super clean double-wide porta-potties for $1.7M.

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I wonder how much of this is just civil servants who would have a job either way, but like to bill their time to projects so they look useful.

It feels like, in the United States, the government cannot do big things anymore.

Apparently, they can’t do small things either. The buddhist temple I go to built an exterior bathroom that looks just like this ten years ago and it cost around ~$20,000 and I am sure that there was naturally some corruption involved, and it took less than a month.

THE CITY found that the typical city Parks Department bathroom – a no-frills rectangular structure with four walls, several toilets and a number of hand-washing sinks – costs taxpayers just under $3.6 million on average.

A contract for the $4.7 million structure shows the bills added up quickly, with the metal roofing alone running over $460,000. A five-wave bike rack, installed nearby, was listed in the document as running $6,000. Similar racks retail online for $450.

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New York City ranked No. 93 out of 100 on a list cited in the comptroller’s report of cities with the most public bathrooms per capita.

Lawmakers like Brewer say that there are many issues when it comes to increasing bathroom access in the city, including the “monumental” cost.

The cost to renovate a bathroom ranges from $1.4 million to $2.2 million, and the cost to construct a new one is approximately $3.5 million, according to the parks department.

Define renovate.

As a former soldier, it’s almost certain there was nothing else productive on their plates.






Nature is healing


Typical divisive liberals.

LOL this is way better and truly AMAZING



The problem is that Ted Cruz loves that shit. He’s a real life pro wrestling heel.


he absolutely 100% has a humiliation kink

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I think I could do better.

I like this analysis from Ygelsias:

Mark: Right wing activists on abortion and other issues are much more disciplined and strategic than left wing activists, whose theory of change is basically 1) throw soup on painting, 2) ???, 3) profit. But the voting bases are basically the opposite, where the GOP primary consistently elects insane people to lose winnable races, while Democratic primaries mostly nominate widely acceptable candidates. How do you explain this contrast?

If you go back to the origins of electoral democracy 200-300 years ago, you see a basic issue that emerges quickly — the median voter is always poorer than the national mean, so there is a potential electoral majority for redistribution.

There is a set of political forces — the right — that wants to resist that redistribution. And there is a contrary set of forces — the left — that wants to encourage it. The left’s strategy is to make this dynamic explicit and transparent — we the people can seize the levers of power and make ourselves better off. And the right’s strategy is to obfuscate — the left will denigrate God, endanger public safety, weaken our national defenses, and so forth. That’s politics boiled down to its essence.

But this in turn gives rise to the characteristic flaws of the left and the right.

On the left, that’s a kind of romanticism about politics that holds that every issue comes down to the masses versus narrow moneyed elites. It denies that the people themselves may just be wrong or short-sighted, so it believes that the answer to every problem is to raise the temperature with more dramatic stunts and “calling out.”

On the right, it’s a fondness for conmen and grifters. Because right-wing politics is organized as a conspiracy to mislead people into not voting to give themselves more money, it creates structures that elevate and reward hucksters and flim-flam artists. GOP politicians and conservative media figures elevated Donald Trump as a political spokesman in the Obama years not despite the fact that he’s a fraud and a liar but because he’s a fraud and a liar. They know it would be toxic to put a professor up there to tell people about the Chamley-Judd theorem and why we should cut capital gains taxes. You need someone who’s going to talk about Mexican rapists and how Obama is secretly Kenyan.