2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Conservatives absolutely do have a point. The amount of waste, corruption and graft in NY and CA is truly staggering.

Had riverman posted “lol at spending $1.7m on a bathroom” this whole debate doesn’t happen. Instead he posted “it’s just corruption. Conservatives have a point.”

Anyway. I have to head out. I’ll check back later for more lol Clovis is an idiot posts. :grin:

But will it be cheaper than a bathroom in San Francisco

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So the employees get paid x$ and in exchange the public gets a toilet. I‘d say it matters how high x is.

Plenty of inefficiencies in government but I don’t want the contractor just managing themselves with no oversight


How many full-time employees does it take to oversee the construction of a toilet?

Depending on how they do their accounting, $175k is probably ~1500 hours, so if it’s a year long project then it’s 0.75 FTE. In reality it’s probably like 10 different people hitting the project for a few hours a week here and there.

1500 hours seems excessive for one toilet.

Holy shit are we still talking about fucking toilets? We’re gonna need Garrett and Robbi to weigh in on this on the next Joey Ingram podcast to settle it for good.


It’s an interesting and respectful discussion of the nuances of civil service and public works. We need more of this not less imo.


And I guess my whole point is that we really don’t know. We don’t know what’s included in that estimate because we don’t know how they account for costs. Does the parks and rec department have project management or schedule management or construction management software that they also break out on a per project basis for accounting purposes? Physical inspections? Design review and compliance? Earned value management tracking? Etc etc

I think The Line is a fantastic project. If we’re going to live in a cyberpunk dystopia (and we totally do, and I say that with zero hyperbole), then fuck it, let’s really lean into it.

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Great post.

I have been involved in bidding a few projects more than a billion dollars and the risk is so high, especially if they are p3s which many are, that bidders are forced to be so conservative costs always end up crazy.

I am not sure what the solution to that problem would be.

Why is the line a line and not wider and shorter instead.

Pacheco running full speed while he is out of bounds like that is a really great play. It just invites a late hit 15yd penalty. Everyone should be doing this on the reg.

this is no true scotsmanning

rent-seeking is corruption

The emu girl discourse has been getting very bizarre lately.

What’s up with Emanuel? Heard he was sick.