2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


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His target demographic is the same as the one who likes to hate on him. The take that Kanye sucks as a rapper and only survives as a producer has been around since at least 2005.

Buying the gold coins seems solid. Not sure why he converted that into a house, tho.

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Speaking on the YouTube show Good Mythical Morning, Green said the alleged incident occurred backstage at Saturday Night Live when he was nine years old. Green appeared in a sketch, while Murray was hosting the episode.

“[Murray] saw me sitting on the arm of this chair and made a big fuss about me being in his seat,” Green said. “And I was like, ‘That is absurd. I am sitting on the arm of this couch. There are several lengths of this sofa. Kindly eff off.’ And he was like, ‘That’s my chair.’”

Green’s mother suggested to her son that he move for Murray, but he refused. “He picked me up by my ankles,” Green said. “Held me upside down … He dangled me over a trash can and he was like, ‘The trash goes in the trash can.’ And I was screaming, and I swung my arms, flailed wildly, full contact with his balls. He dropped me in the trash can, the trash can falls over. I was horrified. I ran away, hid under the table in my dressing room and just cried.”

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Man. Everyone is a piece of shit, aren’t they.

People can change.


They can. I kind of doubt he (Murray specifically) has. Were he changed, I’d expect things like admitting his wrongdoing and apologies. The excuses he seems to be making are the hallmark of someone who really hasn’t changed at all.

Look, it’s only OK to do this gag if you don’t drop the child in the trash can. If you drop the child in the trash, please apologize and fix your mistake. Unless the child is laughing, then it is OK again.

Also, I’m pretty sure you were actually 7 years old Seth Green. Born Feb 8 1974 and it looks like it was probably this episode since Seth only appeared in 2 SNLs according to IMDB.

If you haven’t seen this, you should. It’s pretty good.

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LOL. Thanks. Hadn’t seen it before.

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Maybe he figured real estate was a better investment than gold coins and he planned to rent it out until he got out of prison. Smart of him to pay it off instead of having a mortgage, that interest really adds up!

Really though huge wtf ending? They haven’t even sold the house yet two years later. Like hey innocent until proven guilty, maybe this guy really did legally acquire those gold coins and that’s actually his house, who knows!

In court documents filed on Oct. 7, the two sides asked a judge for permission to sell the property so the proceeds could be held until Mr. Cofield’s case is resolved. The indictment said that Mr. Cofield, if convicted, must forfeit any proceeds he received arising from his offenses.

In the filing, both parties said the property, which was valued at about $3.5 million in 2020, is vacant, has been “rapidly deteriorating” and is at risk of losing its fair-market value because it has not been maintained.

Guy was a shitty investor though, he paid 4.4 million for a house in June 2020 that is now only worth 3.5 mil



I think this survey is only surprising to people that have never studied what makes people find purpose in their work. The countries at the top generally have stronger workers rights than the countries at the bottom. It isn’t surprising that being forced to work a lot to make money for some other asshole doesn’t make you think that your job has a lot of meaning. Shocker.


As I get older, the thought of making some other asshole money for something I barely enjoy doing myself gets increasingly more nauseating, but I lack the requisite ruthlessness and temperament to go into business for my own



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God this so so well said

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History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.