2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

You guys know you can clean windows right? It’s one of the most cleanable surfaces there is.

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I prefer my windows without any wok hei.

Fredd’s example, for sure.

But SirOsis’ is tough. Those windows are yuuge and at least some of the splatter will get pretty high. Not an easy task, but if you own that place, you probably hire someone to deal with that sort of shit, so I guess it’s not an issue there either.

isn’t the max Jones can be fined something silly like a few million? He has probably made 10x that on the trial alone.

Yeah, they just focused on function and didn’t worry at all about aesthetics. Or having a place to keep dishes. Or cookware. Or food. Or having more than 4 outlets. Or directly lighting the main work area.

Sure it might be a little annoying to have a one-foot gap between the range and the work surface, but where else are you supposed to put the fire extinguisher nook?

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My question comes from last nights Survivor, if anyone watches.

The challenge was to find buried supplies in an approximately 20x20 m square of beach. The player was convinced digging a corner to corner X was the most efficient method but I cannot see why that increases the probability of discovery. What am I missing?

Maybe it depends on whether the “random” location was determined by a computer or by a human trying to be random.

If human, I would probably want to focus on a band that’s not too close to an edge and also not too close to the center.

I don’t see anything special about the diagonals, in fact human hiders would probably tend to avoid them due to the symmetry.

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Good points but if we assume total randomness there is nothing special about any method of digging that would increase probability, right?

sure there is. if he digs a hole on each corner first he’s having to walk back and forth, wasting time, lowering his chances of success.

I’m no mathematician but I agree.

More interesting might be to give some proximity clue after a miss. But that would appeal to geometry nerds instead of people who just want to watch hotties dig up a beach. :man_shrugging:

I guess if you dig a hole you might also be able to discover supplies that are right adjacent to the hole proper. If you dig right at the edge or corners there are one or two sides less where you can discover something by accident.
Also depending on the size of the supplies you can dig away from the edges and still discover them if (distance to edge<supply width).

LouisCypre and Surf touched on it but what you’re saying is less true the larger the object gets.

Imagine the object is a rectangle that takes up over 50% of the square. If you dig at one corner you might miss it. If you dig in the absolute center, then you will hit it every time.

If you think about it a while you should be able to convince yourself that even if we keep reducing the size of the object, there must exist some strategies that are better than others.

For example if the object were 1m x 1m x 1m and you dug a 1m strip along one edge, and you didn’t find it, then it would make no sense to dig a parallel strip immediately adjacent to it. You would be better off digging a parallel strip that was slightly less than 1m away from the first.

I haven’t thought about it long enough to think about if the X is the best strategy. But I’m definitely convinced that not all strategies are equal because the object is not some dimensionless point in space.

next thing you know we’ll kill off private golf courses and porn subscriptions, where does it end?

eta: i say as a millennial with a guest bedroom

I technically have a guest room but it doubles as random storage space for the 99% of the time I don’t have someone spending the night. And usually the only person using it is my drunk, degenerate friend who is just as happy sleeping on the couch so who cares.

Well, I bet they don’t have live-in help so they can just use the maid’s quarters as the guest room.


This makes sense. It feels like it should have a solution but I’m struggling to find it.



for me it is really useful for maintaining sanity to have an office that is not in my bedroom. But then, the room just becomes a desk, a chair, some drawers and a computer - nothing left to really put in it but another bed, so I did that.

My guest room is my “you’re getting up at 5am? you’re getting in from work at 3am? fuck off sleep there” room


Why would you have your office in the bedroom to begin with? That would be the 2nd least appealing location for me after the bathroom.