2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I used to only have a single bedroom and nowhere else to put it

Do you have like 3 couches and a 16 place dining set?

no, I was just poor and didnt have a living room or another bedroom for a while, it was just a granny flat w an entrance that had like a very small kitchenette and a door to a bathroom so I always had stuff in my room.

in my current place I’m not sure I’d use my dining area or living room because i have a massive server-grade tower I’d have to lug around or leave installed in there

Sounds like a weird layout that would have worked better as a studio.

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my life makes a lot more sense if you imagine me as a mid 30’s guy that’s basically still a college student


This 65ish year old lady sitting next to me at the poker table is telling me about her daughters OnlyFans….


Can she get us a discount?

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“All I know is she must be selling a ton of fans to be making that much money!”


I’m not sure the true solution is strictly mathematical. If we are looking to minimize surface area that is dug up, whatever the mathematically optimal strategy happens to be, it certainly would involve digging multiple holes that are in close proximity to one another rather than long contiguous strips.

However, ease of digging may not perfectly correlate to surface area that is dug up. It is very likely easier to enlarge an existing hole than it is to dig a new hole. For example it is almost certainly harder to dig four 1m x 1m holes than it is to dig one 2m x 2m hole, even though the surface area is the same in both cases. Furthermore the difference in difficulty between these two tasks may differ among individuals.

This consideration makes it a little tricky to come up with what the true optimal digging strategy would be for any given pair of survivor contestants.


I think we’re gonna need more than that.


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JFC track their IP addresses and arrest them what the fucking fuck

Viewer comments on the Law & Crime network’s internet stream of the trial were turned off because of threatening posts directed at Sandy Hook families. Infowars stickers have been placed on the courthouse building during the proceedings.

I would be stunned if the marijuana line didn’t tick back up between 2017 - now.


Gonna be a lot of weirdos walking around the FAANGs lookin’ like capuchin monkeys on stilts. All of the people in this article sound absolutely insufferable.


i mean he’s pointing to mostly examples of feudalism and not more modern US examples where yes, a lot of wars were fought by poor people, it’s one of our primary recruiting tools. “Free college if you fight and maybe die.”

before you say “well the army is mostly comprised of the middle class” yes, that’s exactly what I mean. the middle class are the poor nowadays.

even if that weren’t uniformly the case, the people who end up doing the actual heavy fighting are not the wealthiest recruits.

any tips for the first time Halloween home decorator?

I was never allowed to celebrate halloween as a kid, too satanic or some shit. Never much cared for the holiday but I like October a lot and the whole harvest-season vibe of it. I have a big space in front of a fence in my front “yard” - I can post a pic later but it’s basically a raised area ~4 feet off the ground, about 100 feet long by 10 feet deep. Perfect for a display, but I have no idea what to put. DIY options far preferred. I found a sweet DIY glowing cauldron + candy I can do.

disclaimer: i’m in a really shitty neighborhood so anything I put up would have to be cheap, probably shortly before halloween because there is a full expectation someone may vandalize it.

If you’ve never carved a jack o lantern, start with that.


those suck and attract pests. I have carved one, it is a messy affair.

I should probably try at least one though. I am not crafty at all really.

I wonder if anyone has even done a demonic version of a Christmas Nativity scene.

LOL I’m so down. what would that look like?

eta: this seems like a perfect job for dall-e
eta eta: dont put demonic nativity scene into dall-e. shits straight disturbing