2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yes, Melkerson’s analogy was better than mine.

I am so fascinated by the making of this commercial.

Like, what testing anywhere ever was done to determine that the target market for this 4-door pickup truck is “Suit wearing, brunch going, big city dwelling young black men”

I figured it was due to the utter failure of Toyota to break the stranglehold Chevy, Ford, and Dodge have on white men with just enough money the need for compensation. Seems foolish to keep doing the same thing that isn’t working, so, hey, you never know, let’s try something unconventional.

The Tundra is a confusing truck in search of a market, but the Tacoma has a huge and devoted fan base of white guys making aspirational lifestyle statements.

So I was reading an Ikes-infested thread for some cheap thrills and bedtime humor for about an hour, before I realized the thread was from 2016 and that I was reading Unchained and not Unstuck. Was something about Ikesexit or something, so I read on as I was giddy that he had been banned from here too.

Is the doctor in the house?

Perhaps he’s in the outhouse.

And I’m def getting that gizmo implanted in my penis along with the remote control, which makes it extend and retract, because after the pandemic, who wants to work anymore.

I also would prefer springs instead of nails or whatever in the legs, as it would be super fun to become a human pogo stick.

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The intended market is white men.

Marketing and advertising psychology, and focus groups, have told the producers that when truck-driving white guys see that kid in that truck, they will be motivated to buy to maintain their superiority and sanity. Basically how Trump got elected. That and Bannon.

When you see black people in commercials, they are rarely the primary target. Population is just too small.

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that’s what I immediately thought too, nothing pisses old white dudes off like an educated, well dressed black man



Poly…vinyl…nitrate. ??

How’s it hangin’?

Are you still huffin’ Austrian ass?


Eta: Must say, you and Ikes were the best entertainment this side of Ron and Rand…

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Did everyone know there is a website that lets you lease out your yard to dog owners so the dogs can do their business on it?


Lol the paywall is so aggressive you can’t even read the title. Gg post.

That’s lame. Title is, “Could ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ really be done? We found out.”

They determined one could visit all the places Ferris Bueller did in one day and have fun doing so.



Also this is happening, totally not a cult

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Problem is is do 100% of my browsing on an iPad. :confused:

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Not to be a scold but you could pay for your newspaper.

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I pay for several newspapers. :grinning:

News media is one place where I’d like to see the cable TV model used. I’d pay a a fair bit for a subscription that gave me unlimited access to a wide variety of newspapers and magazines.

This has been tried a few times to little success.