2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Sounds qualified for the Huskers football hc position.

I don’t get that part either? Did someone actually prosecute her for it?

Lewis was 15 when she stabbed Brooks more than 30 times in a Des Moines apartment. Officials have said Lewis was a runaway who was seeking to escape an abusive life with her adopted mother and was sleeping in the hallways of a Des Moines apartment building when a 28-year-old man took her in before forcibly trafficking her to other men for sex.

Lewis said one of those men was Brooks and that he had raped her multiple times in the weeks before his death. She recounted being forced at knifepoint by the 28-year-old man to go with Brooks to his apartment for sex. She told officials that after Brooks had raped her yet again, she grabbed a knife from a bedside table and stabbed Brooks in a fit of rage.

Police and prosecutors have not disputed that Lewis was sexually assaulted and trafficked. But prosecutors have argued that Brooks was asleep at the time he was stabbed and not an immediate danger to Lewis.

Prosecutors took issue with Lewis calling herself a victim in the case and said she failed to take responsibility for stabbing Brooks and “leaving his kids without a father.”

Iowa does have an affirmative defense law that gives some leeway to victims of crime if the victim committed the violation “under compulsion by another’s threat of serious injury, provided that the defendant reasonably believed that such injury was imminent.”

Prosecutors argued Tuesday that Lewis waived that affirmative defense when she pleaded guilty to manslaughter and willful injury

An interesting long read on Chinese spies trying to steal industrial secrets and one of them getting caught

Still, he knew he was taking a risk by arranging a source meeting far outside the security of China’s borders and on someone else’s terms. On March 30, preparing for the trip, he exchanged WeChats with a username most likely belonging to his wife. After a mundane exchange—no, she hadn’t seen his special travel pillow—he wrote, “I put a USB drive in the eyeglass box in the middle of the bookcase, and it contains some encrypted documents. If something happens, someone will come to you and tell you the password.” The response came within a minute: “Oh my God. Don’t scare me like this.” The next day, March 31, Xu and a colleague, Xu Heng, flew to Amsterdam and took the train to Brussels, two hours south across the low coastal plain.

That evening, Zheng messaged that he’d just arrived in Brussels. There was a Le Pain Quotidien near his hotel that would be perfect, he reported, in the Galeries Royales Saint Hubert, a collection of stately 19th century shopping arcades in the city center. The cafe upstairs was quiet. “Okay,” Xu responded. “I will let you know when I am about to be there.”

Zheng was in Brussels, that much was true, but he hadn’t just arrived. The hotel room he was writing from was the base of operations for Hull’s team. The FBI had settled on the city a while before.


Police may have found 3 to 10 bodies burned and buried, just north of OKC

Behind the 10-foot metal walls of a compound with links to the Universal Aryan Brotherhood, a white-supremacist prison gang, officers found what they believe to be a body dumping ground where multiple people ended up dismembered and burned, according to four Oklahoma officials with knowledge of the investigation. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the extraordinary security precautions around the case


I guess I never realized how anti-LGBT orthodox Jews were:


Under was a sucker bet:

Actually per that last source he only paid very little tax. About 17 million on the whole donation:

Where did you read this

I’d be interested in hearing the counterpoint in more detail.

Is it a problem if he’s making a tax-deductible donation? Is he supposed to spend half that money on cops and missiles before he spends any on the environment?


No. My point (from a few days ago, so you really have to go back) is that Chouinard would be wrongly criticized for tax evasion. It turns out that is what happened.

I think I saw that, but what’s correct? Is he donating all his money post-tax? I hope not.

Ah yes, Lexus - the car brand of choice for billionaires.

I now really want to know what this guy is driving. I guess Lexus is a luxury brand, but I would say it’s the most practical of the luxury brands.

Source: drive a Lexus, am not a billionaire.

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I don’t either. That’s the point I was trying to make a few days ago.

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this, none of the money was ever realized. it’s like saying I’m “evading” taxes on the powerball by … not winning the powerball.

the idea of fortune and business insider and bloomberg getting the vapors from someone reducing their tax liability as if this is the first time they’ve ever fucking heard of it happening is possibly the most lol thing I’ve heard this year


wonder if these types of guys are responsible for all the “suicides” by hanging from a tree in a public place that seem to only ever happen to black people

Not that I disagree with your overall point, but I think your analogy is flawed. It would be like saying you’re evading taxes on powerball by not cashing in your winning powerball ticket, and instead giving it away to someone else.

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Well, if we really want to drag out the torture of this analogy, it would be giving it away to a non-profit. If you just give it to someone else, then they will pay the taxes. IRS still gets theirs. But if you give it to the March of Dimes, government gets nothing.

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Correct, you have reduced the analogy to it’s purest form.

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If you give someone else your winning lottery ticket you pay the taxes not them