2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


The Passion of the Christ.

Gone with the Wind.

The Ronald Reagan Story


The Godfather

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The sound of Music

They’ve had a black superman movie in the works for a while, we already had people really mad over James Bond so I think that’s the answer.

Meh. I understand it from women who are tall themselves. I wouldn’t want to date women taller than me (I am 6’1").

I am very intrigued by women taller than me, which is obviously rare. But when they’re super tall and attractive…yowza.


I’m also mesmerized with this. 1985 Magnum PI type show with Joe Pesci.

I want to see a documentary on how this got greenlit and everything else about it. The whole gimmick is that he’s short (Half Nelson LOLOLOLOL my sides). So they film him literally looking at every other dude’s nipples. His narration is like the goofy version of Goodfellas.

I can imagine how they thought that wouldn’t be a huge hit.

Here’s the whole pilot episode:

It has just about every single “that guy” from the 70s and early 80s you can imagine.

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I’m 6’2". I’d date a hot 6’6" Amazon any day.

5’8" here and I really like the 29x30s which are much more uncommon.

skinny people itt

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These guys getting that height surgery are completely insane. Why don’t they just catch a flight to South America/Asia if this is that big a deal to them?

And people are willing to pay. Most patients will fork over from $70,000 to $150,000, depending on how many inches they want to gain.


It’s not exactly that. The complaint I hear more like “they won’t even bother to get to know me”. I’m not sure how much it matters, I’m sure it must matter some.

A few months ago I overheard a woman describing a tinder date. She was short. Let’s say around 5’2". Apparently the dude showed up and was shorter than she was. This was not clear from his profile (it sounded like he just left it out as opposed to lying about it, but I’m not 100% sure on this point). To hear her tell it, it was like he failed to disclose he was a sex offender. OK, maybe not that bad, but close.

the funny thing is so many 5’11”ish guys lie and say they’re 6’0” that lots of girls think I’m tall


The leg extending thing is also ridiculous bc it fucks up the leg to torso ratio. These dudes are going to have freakishly long legs that probably make them look more feminine too.

Not to mention pseudo dinosaur arms that look way too short.

Maybe. A lot of the shorter guys I know have kind of stubby legs and more regular sized torsos. There’s a lot of variance in the ratios.

I really need to swap everything over to a digital card.