2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Also hospital beds are not made for tall people. My 6’ 7" friend only got one that was because Larry Miller donated one to the hospital in case a Jazz player needed one.

Is this something I am supposed to care about?

I was merely pointing out that based on your post and my experience, that height might be more valued by women where I am in non-America.

I doubt America is any different in this regard.

I appreciated when women would do that because it made it clear that they weren’t someone I’d be interested in dating. Easy way to weed out likely shitty partners.



OK, but the point I want to make is that I’m always hearing about things that are supposed to be issues for short people from people who aren’t short. You can ask us directly, we’re right here. Pretend like it’s an old episode of Nip/Tuck - “Tell me what don’t like about yourself?”

I would like to have a full head of hair.
I would like to be able to read things smaller than a billboard without glasses.
I would like to not have a crustacean allergy.

My height? Meh. If I got to be reborn I might add a couple inches, but that’s about it. I don’t think I would like being tall.

It’s gotten a little better with socks too, although a ton of socks still “fit shoe sizes 6-12” so when you’re over that you’re stretching out the foot part and probably wearing them out quicker

edit: could all be easier with petite feet

Yeah, socks are tricky too. And finding a comfortable face mask was a pain when the pandemic kicked off.

This is true. When I find a sock that fits well, particularly for running, I’ll usually buy like 12 more pairs to keep in reserve.

I’m 5’10" (closer to 5’11") and perfectly average dimensions, which is nice, except sometimes t shirts seem designed for people 20-30 lbs heavier than me, and I’m always looking for “slim fit” Tee shirts. My pants size is typically 30x30 which is really easy to find too.

Struck by lightning or did he hit his head on a door frame?


have all the outraged tolkien fans switched to being outraged mermaid fans?

my favorite thing about this “outrage” is that lots of people have fallen into the idiotic “what if they cast a white person in a role for a PoC” argument and then people immediately dunk on them with 400 billion examples of that happening lol

it’s just an ongoing thing with disney’s “woke” agenda. disney is an example of capitalism actually working well for once, they correctly figured out they make more money by being more inclusive, gee who woulda thought

GATICA is real

The racists get themselves all twisted around in their outrage, and the fantasy/reality distinction becomes difficult


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lol that take and the responses



What property would make white people the most unhinged if someone adapted it to TV/movies and made white characters black?

I assume Superman or Batman, so what property that hasn’t made it to video adaptation yet would do the trick?