2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Ok I’m struggling to figure out the exact thing you’re laughing at. like, you dont think a hurricane will hit CA? or is this some meme I’m not getting?

much like how you appeal to your own authority on topics you are by no means an expert in, I know more than a tiny bit about weather and storms and this area’s weather in general, having been a captain so long, so I’m legit curious what you think is funny about it, unless you were looking for a quick way to dismiss someone so they feel shitty about it, in which case continue. good luck on your funeral.

i’ll give you a hint, we dont even need to get an actual hurricane to suffer from 60+ knot windstorms in this area, which are extremely destructive

Well if you’re going to get like big real mad it’s not as fun.

Your missing a joke. It’s referencing the time trump drew an extra bit on a hurricane map with a sharpie. That extra bit towards california is obviously added in and not what an nhs map looks like ever

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I literally asked if I missed some type of joke. it’s still not obvious. sorry if I overreacted.

Now watch that hurricane follow the sharpie and Trump posting on truth social that he was right all the time


There is one model that shows it plowing into california

A hurricane getting anywhere near CA is still pretty surprising though. I had no idea that was even a remote possibility.

This should be cyclone Kay, yes?

Like this article. Reinforces that given a total systemic collapse the current wealthy are going to be met with horrific ends, most likely at the hands of other people.

McDonald’s has a contract with Taylor for the machines. I am sure the contract covers protecting Taylor’s reward scheme for some sort of compensation for corporate McDonalds. Perhaps some sort of kickbacks.

Dunno. The NHC lists them all as tropical cyclones on the overview pages regardless of region, but if the wind speeds are high enough they get called hurricanes on their individual pages.


I think it depends on where this formed:

Hurricanes are tropical storms that form over the North Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific. Cyclones are formed over the South Pacific and Indian Ocean .

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Had no idea that Pacific storms could be hurricanes, very suspicious. I think we should close our borders to these events until we can figure out what is going on.

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They used to never get called hurricanes in the South Pacific, but in recent years some people have been trying to change that, I suppose because many people just assume cyclones are less windy.

Southern California could even be in for at least some very strong winds and something more than that, it could be. This just came up, unfortunately. It’s the size of the storm that we’re talking about. So, for Southern California, just please be careful also.

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This is fake news


Clearly you can’t have hurricanes in the Pacific. It’s right there in the name.

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I have the video of it somewhere but we got hit by a real bad storm at my old job. I used to pilot a tiny wooden auto ferry that was ~70 feet long. one night a storm like this hit us, and we had a sustained 45 knots going through the harbor gusting at least 60, it would knock you off your feet.

so I was a decent pilot but the wind was going the same direction as the current, which was bolstered by rain runoff, making it twice as strong as normal. i was struggling pretty bad and was one of the most experienced there, so i knew the other captains were at very high risk of accident, so I called my boss asking to shut down until conditions improved. he wouldn’t allow it, even though there was hardly any business. the law says though i am required to do whatever i need to keep the vessel safe, but this doesnt protect you from getting fired. I knew i was safe but was still worried about the other guy because he was an overconfident idiot so I tried to let him off a little early to reduce the risk.

not even 30 seconds after i put my boat away i see him coming at 6+ knots directly at our wooden dock, wind and waves howling. i dont know why i knew but i just knew he was gonna hit and since i was standing on the dock i sprinted as fast as i could the other way, and i heard the loudest crash of my life behind me.

turn around and docks literally gone. i dont know how to describe it other than that. just obliterated. I’ll find the pics if anyone cares. the call to my boss was almost verbatim “ummm so you know how we had a dock? yea we dont have a dock anymore”

so it gets better. this capt now has an issue - hes supposed to put his boat away on the exact dock he just destroyed. there was another “finger” of the dock intact on one side, but on the side he hit it was nothing but mangled metal and wood. looked impossible.

so, my boss calls me and asks what i think. i say i’m going to park on another dock for the night. he says, no fucking way, park it anyway. i said no way dude, the winds been slamming me into that side all night, i’m gonna make a worse problem. he asked me what % chance i gave to hitting it. I said 50/50.

his response was and i quote “well lets hope you’re lucky”

so i go to park this thing and i have the most insane ass clenching turn into this dock, buzzing the other intact side at full speed by no more than inches, because that was the only way to pull this off. slotted it but was almost a disaster.

of course, in the end he blamed it all on me anyway and i learned a valuable lesson that you should do the right thing even if your boss is a moron. he tried to fire the other guy but i made a big noise about how we all thought it wasnt safe but were told to continue, and he didnt do it.

the funniest part was my shift was supposed to end at 12am or so and i didnt get home til 2:30 and had an 8am class next day. proff told me i looked like i’d seen war and must’ve been partying. hahaha


No in the Western Hemisphere it’s still a hurricane

Yeah the map has sharpie drawn on it. The actual map shows a tropical storm harmlessly drifting off to sea, not the “largest hurricane to ever hit Southern California.”

idk about harmless. There are 4 million people on the Baja peninsula at risk of at least a tropical storm, and potentially a full blown hurricane cyclone extra windy tropical storm.