2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yeah, it would completely break the rhythm of a waltz, but that might look interesting? Keep the exact same steps, but in the elastic time of Brubeck’s piano.

At the very least, I’d check out a ut00bz of some poor souls getting inflicted with doing this on So You Think You Can Dance, especially if you were the choreographer for them.

Ok, I went back and watched the rest of the video and I guess I get it. Their scam is basically the idea behind this 1974 ep of Columbo, An Exercise in Fatality, where Robert Conrad plays a guy selling franchises for health clubs and is ripping off the franchisees by forcing them to buy shoddy equipment at high prices from companies that he secretly owns. One of the franchisees figures it out just before Conrad can cash out, so Conrad kills him and makes it look like he died lifting weights. Bottom line, I wouldn’t be surprised if some franchisee is found crushed by a Mcflurry machine.


Haralabob bought a soccer team lol:




Math would be way better if we had 12 fingers.


I remember visiting Castellon de la Plana. Good day trip if you find yourself in Valencia.

It would be A times better!


Every time I see Lightfoot, I think about Christopher Lloyd’s Uncle Fester.

Go to google. Search cat. Touch the paw in right hand corner. Now touch anywhere else on screen. :grin:


Southern California will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!


First that I am hearing about this… it’s not even on the front page of CNN?

Fucking eerie… I just watched this a few weeks ago. Short the stock market?


wtf we get tropical storms drift up my way (60~ miles north of SD) like once a decade but never a fucking actual hurricane, ill be surprised if this hits where i am but man idk anymore. it’s been extremely unusual weather here.


im not sure what is funny but glad u got a laugh

driven the boat thru 60+ knot winds before in these types of storms, theyre rough

Ya look at that map?


Well I’m not going to ruin this. I’m off on a red eye for a funeral.