2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

My students in China loved TBBT (or apparently the heavily censored version of it).

Not as much as they loved Friends which it seems that everybody in Europe loves too. Gonna be honest, I think it’s a meh show.

This story is way worse than that one. Heartbreaking.

welp thats the saddest thing i ever read

Noted, don’t eat red herrings


Was Better Call Saul this guys lawyer? Gets caught making fake chips twice and never goes to jail.

How does this happen


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It makes some manager look more important when they spend a lot of money on consulting. The product doesn’t much matter so the consulting company sends out children from a summer camp.

Have you all been following this McDonald’s ice cream drama with the rigged Taylor machines and alleged kickback scheme they’re running?

That’s been a thing for like 10 years, where have you been

Long read heavy on the absurdity.

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All the sophistication of a 15 year old Anarcho capitalist.

Locking food away from Navy Seals to ensure their loyalty, what could go wrong.



Guy didn’t have a golden parachute?


I didn’t think BBBY was a Russian company. TIL.


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Nano got some ice cream at McD’s yesterday.

I’m watching the video now. Maybe it will get to why McDonald’s ice cream is so much better than all the others.

Nope, just a feel-good story about two giant corporations colluding to rip off franchisees and steal another company’s tech.

Jake Freeman, an applied mathematics and economics major at the University of Southern California, invested in nearly five million Bed Bath & Beyond shares at $5.50 a share in July, spending a total of $25 million with the help of a wealthy pharmaceutical investor uncle.

Coincidentally, this nobody had the same impulse to sell his stake at the same moment as the guy who ended up dead, making a huge profit. Stock tanks, jumper jumps. Idk shit about finance but maybe connect the dots and you can figure out why the CFO went to the Bed Bath & Great Beyond.

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You know how McDonald’s ice cream machines being broken is a meme? Here is the cliffs version:

(1) McDonald’s franchisees are only allowed to buy one specific model of ice cream machine: Taylor C602.

(2) This machine notoriously “breaks” frequently and returns uninterpretable error codes, which is weird because many chains use different Taylor machines that don’t seem to break much.

(3) When the machine goes down, franchise owners call an aUtHoRiZeD tAyLoR sErViCe TeChNiCiAn to “fix” it. That gorilla charges hundreds of dollars each time he appears, which is very fucking often.

(4) A startup named Kytch developed a device that attaches to the machine and provides real-time information and plain English error codes to the owner through an app. Franchise owners loved it because it reduced repair costs and improved uptime. There’s a video of a McDonald’s Equipment Team Leader praising it at a national conference during a presentation.

(5) McDonald’s promptly blacklisted the device and made a bunch of false claims about it stealing proprietary information and posing safety risks. This is known from discovery in a lawsuit that Kytch filed against Taylor that unearthed over 800 pages of internal documents that are not at all flattering to Taylor or McDonald’s.

(6) Kytch then filed a $900M defamation lawsuit against McDonald’s earlier this year.