2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I first read about this someplace else, and IIRC they sat out all night and he ate them the morning after.

I’ve definitely done that with pizza

It’s kind of an old story and fees bait clicky to me.

I do this all the time. including far worse. I dont believe this to be the danger that media sells it as.

Agreed. Bacteria - fake news. Has anyone even seen one of these things?


no like for real i tried to share one of these stories, and it didnt receive the traction i expected, (to me) it doesnt seem like an actual legitimate concern.

only that it is very rare.

Pizza is highly acidic. It’s still not a great idea but your risk from plain pizza is probably significantly lower than your risk with something that contains meat.

There are different kinds of “food poisoning”. First google hit shows that this type is about 60K cases per year, but the vast majority are mild. And that’s just one specific pathogen.

Of course, the chance of death or outcomes like that case is much, much lower.

Losing limbs is pretty rare. Hugging the toilet bowl for 12 hours is not.

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When I was eating at the casino a lot I would get mild food poisoning once or twice a year.

Depending on how we’re defining “mild food poisoning”, I probably get it more than that. Maybe like 4x per year. My GI tract is a sensitive snowflake. Even if something is a bit off, I’ll get symptoms. Normally it’s not any worse than diarrhea and some abdominal discomfort.

I also get it fast. There have been a handful of times when I’ve gone out with a group and I’m feeling it within hours. Everyone else is fine. Then several hours later or the next morning they all go down.

California GOAT

You have to get to the end to find out this disease has a vaccine and he didn’t get it. That should be the lede.

Also, iirc it’s not typically carried in rice or food at all. It’s human to human only I think (it’s neisseria classically here), and usually spreads in dorms and army barracks.

Chinese food likely unfairly maligned here

Reading the nejm case and whooo boy they fucked up.

A few things: their antibiotic choice was fucking stupid and wrong. While the case didn’t start off like a classical meningococcal meningitis, it clearly was halfway through. He shouldn’t have received more zosyn (that’s the abx they use) and instead should have gotten either ceftriaxone meropenem or cefepime which has better neuro penetration.

The losing fingers and legs, while they aren’t very common, is a thing that happens in septic shock. Partly because bad things happen to sick people, partly because the meds we give clamp off blood flow to extremities (specifically the norepinephrine and phenylephrine) for reasons I can get into if anyone is interested.

Still though, the food has been wrongly maligned here and is a red herring. Almost sure but would need to talk to ID before saying 100%, and it kind of doesn’t matter.

Anyways I would sue the shit out of that hospital the abx choice was straight malpractice

I suppose I’m completely misunderstanding the article, but they said it was n menigitidis not b cereus. The food is very likely a red herring

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I didn’t actually read any of the links initially, but, LOL, that’s kind of funny how they (i.e., USA today) chose to report it. I just assumed it was B cereus because of zikzak’s post.

I’m not clear on if he actually went to MGH initially. Ordinarily, one would think that is about the best care you could get, but if they mismanaged him, that’s some really bad luck on top of all the other bad luck.



There way way more jokes in that show. I tuned in for 10 minutes once and heard people laughing constantly. Now I didn’t quite get the jokes, nothing that all those people kept laughing at seemed remotely funny to me but I’m probably not smart enough to appreciate all the nerdy humour.


The show goes line from one character, line from another character, laugh track, repeat ad nauseum. Every second line is laugh tracked regardless of whether it is a joke or not. Watching the show with laugh tracks removed (for example https://youtu.be/jKS3MGriZcs) makes it painfully obvious how many of these lines aren’t actually jokes.