2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Is Diaz a pro wrestler?

Themes for closers are relatively common.


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I think this would probably mess me up psychologically for the rest of my life.


Not surprised after seeing how unstable her dad was.

Chinese viewers are lucky in this regard.


what big bang theory did for nerdy autistic people should be regarded as a hate crime

the fact they are nerdy and autistic is at the butt of every single joke on that entire show


this is mostly how i lost most of my friends and proximity to my sisters to out of state moves in the space of a handful of years:

i’m the only one left mostly because I was the only one i knew who could afford to live here, it sucks, I actually really like this state and dont wanna go to washington or *shudder* florida. it’s been bad for a while but seeing the numbers laid out like this is pretty shocking. somethings gonna break eventually. I’m guessing most of the millennial renters living in these cities are being supported by their parents or living with 5+ roommates or luckboxed into a field like mine.

eta: damnit just linked a paywalled article sorry. the numbers are bad, most millennials are making less than half what they need to live in these cities and these cities are often where all the jobs are.

eta eta: the la times is a surprisingly decent paper sometimes and worth a sub in my opinion

i can see what you mean, but i don’t think so. if you can laugh about it, you can talk about it. TBBT isn’t my kind of show, but i have gotten enticed to watching an episode or two when it came on. it normalized a lot of regular life aspects for nerdy people, and along with other shows, made being nerdy cooler.


I like the show. It has problematic aspects and deserve some criticism. Like there are no Hispanic characters that aren’t criminals or janitors in a show that takes place in California. (Well, one cop but that was supposed to be in Kingman AZ iirc). I’ve read some of the vanity cards that get 2 seconds at the end of an episode. Its creator, Chuck Lorre is kind of an ass.

In addition, not only did all of the guys improve their social skills with women as the show progressed (with three of the four male characters being married at the end), but I was impressed at the growth that Sheldon demonstrated over the years learning how to better read social cues and show empathy.

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yeah, those springs are under incredible tension and can be dangerous, you definitely don’t want to try to fix them yourselves. Luckily it’s a cheap part so you’re basically just paying for a service call to get it fixed. I just had both my springs and pulleys replaced a few weeks ago after one of the springs snapped. It like like $75 in parts and a $125 service call to a garage door opener place.

What, all three jokes?


How long would you stay out with leftovers in 80 degree heat and still eat it the next day?

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Well then. Trash it is!


Wish they told us just how old those leftovers were.

My vote for character that evolved the least: Leonard

These aren’t torsion springs? I wouldn’t mess with them unnecessarily but the usual failure mode doesn’t seem that scary. Replacing struts on my car had me a little worried about recycling the old ones so I made sure to unload them first. But those springs are normally compressed so it was a little scary bc it’s easy to see how people get hurt.

It was this stuff. Doesn’t have to be that long.

Not uncommon and I’m pretty sure I’ve had it at least once. That kid just got a really bad roll of the dice with septic shock.