2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

@goofyballer Cali GOAT $22 - $35 per hour


Armed antifascists protect a wholesome drag brunch from protesters.




same date 2001 and 2022

so in about 13 days something really bad is gonna happen


The only issue with the finnish prime minster apparently wanting some good partying a lot, well, if only you weren’t the neighbor to some country who’d like to invade you and has at least thought about it; well that and that finnish gov’t isn’t doing well atm I hear but whatever. You’re supposed to lead by example but lol at anyone even pretending for that anymore.

(Russia won’t invade cause they’re a mess themselves but it’d be super lol if an invasion happened in a country the leader was well not in any position to handle it in 2022)

It’s misogyny

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Just watched Kingpin with the parents who’d never seen it before, A+ experience. I will never stop laughing at every scene when they mention getting Munsoned. image


They are also now a member of NATO. I’m not super concerned about a Russian invasion, and if there is a Russian invasion, we’ve got much larger problems than Finland’s response. Her dancing is such a dumb gotcha story.

one of the most popular photos of obama ever was him drinking beer at a pub, it’s full blown misogyny


Yeah it’s this. The only reason that this lands as an attack is because she is a young and attractive woman and a bunch of people want young and attractive women to exist solely for the purpose of male sexual gratification and everything else they do is bad.


funny actually if you google obama drinking beer there’s dozens of pics of him drinking. even conservatives here didn’t wail and gnash their teeth about that, iirc. There’s a different culture in US obv but the pub pic was in europe, at least.

but the issue seems to be “head of state having a good time.” at first i thought she may have been on party drugs, which wouldnt bother me either, but she dispelled that, so idk what the fuss is.


The paranoid steps around the US president being available at all times are solely due to nuclear weapons and launch-on-warning. The 25th Amendment wasn’t ratified until 1967. Eisenhower was hospitalized for 6 weeks due to a heart attack. Nothing could ever happen in Finland that would require the immediate attention of the head of state and no one else. If Russia decides to invade and they somehow, impossibly, achieve total surprise, the Finnish Army doesn’t need the prime minister to tell them to defend as best they can.

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PM isn’t the head of state for Finland. President commands the military

We’re just going to pretend Trump wasn’t high as a kite basically continuously?

Isn’t Finland’s WWIII plan basically to hide and let the Swedes and the Ruskies duke it out? That’s what I would do.

We develop new quasi-experimental tools to measure disparate impact, regardless of its source, in the context of bail decisions. We show that omitted variables bias in pretrial release rate comparisons can be purged by using the quasi-random assignment of judges to estimate average pretrial misconduct risk by race. We find that two-thirds of the release rate disparity between White and Black defendants in New York City is due to the disparate impact of release decisions. We then develop a hierarchical marginal treatment effect model to study the drivers of disparate impact, finding evidence of both racial bias and statistical discrimination.

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Finland fought Russia to a stalemate in ww2 and has a lot of defensive infrastructure already

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Finland’s preparedness for a war with Russia is better than ours.