2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

This is an extremely accurate post.

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ive been on crutches for two weeks and I swear the most miserable part of it is how people react to it. I’m about 3 seconds from spitting out a “no i do this for fun” the next time some soul crushed cashier asks me if i hurt my leg.

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I saw this commercial last night and blurted out to nobody “God I want to punch you in the face so hard” as I grabbed the remote and made it stop. Who/what is the target demographic fot this shit?

Any arcade fire fans here?

Numerous people who spoke with Pitchfork in recent months say that Win Butler’s virtuous public reputation is not entirely in line with his offstage behavior. Three women made allegations of sexual interactions with Butler that they came to feel were inappropriate given the gaps in age, power dynamics, and context in which they occurred. All three women were devoted Arcade Fire fans between the ages of 18 and 23 at the start of their interactions with Butler, which took place during overlapping periods from 2016 to 2020, when he was between 36 and 39.

A fourth person, who is gender-fluid and uses they/them pronouns, claims that Butler sexually assaulted them twice in 2015, when they were 21 and he was 34: Once while they were riding together in a car, and again after he allegedly showed up at their apartment despite text messages admonishing him not to come. All four requested to use pseudonyms in this article. Pitchfork has viewed screenshots of text and Instagram messages between them and Butler, and interviewed friends and family members who said they recalled being told about the alleged incidents.

Move from crutches to cane ASAP. With crutches people want to ask because they’re looking for a funny story. With a cane they don’t ask because they assume it’s a sad story

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With a cane you can pretend to be an eccentric detective.


yea i was already using a cane occasionally when it’d get bad, if only to stave off all the “whats wrong with your leg” q’s that only had one answer that made them feel shitty for asking it

can’t walk for another month, assuming all is well

there are many many things you take for granted until you get on crutches or annoying weird crap happens because of them. i was getting out of bed a few days ago, swung my crutch too high and it hit the spinning ceiling fan and smacked me in the teeth super hard.


Proper response is always: “I was kicking ass, and I kicked too hard.”


Is it just me or has Pompeo lost a fuckton of weight really fast? Despite that he seems to look much older.

That combo normally does not bode well for most humans, but as we know, evil Secretaries of State tend to run way above expectation, so I’m sure he is in perfect health for someone his age.

Chapo were making fun of him recently for looking deflated. Apparently he got lap band surgery.

Ahh, that would explain it.

Seemed like absolutely everybody was an Arcade Fire fan 10-15 years ago. No idea what their status is now because I’m old and stopped paying attention.

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A few years ago I broke my elbow one week after a friend broke both his feet, and we’d be out together and I would push his wheelchair with one arm and it looked so horrible, people would ask us what happened and I’d respond like “yeah drunk driver, hit and run…. nah just kidding I fell skateboarding and he jumped off a roof, we’re idiots”


What the hell is wrong with this man


you see, he’s not from privilege and definitely didn’t go to princeton or anything, he started out with good ole fashioned gumption and burger flipping

I feel like if I were one of these billionaires or rich politician types, I would absolutely force my kid to get a McDonalds-level job as a teenager and photo document it to a ridiculous extent for the sole purpose of pulling it out 20+ years later to sell the narrative that they were normal teens just like everyone else.


Lol I hate those commercials, I guess the target is the dogs in purses crowd, I dunno

He was only medium privileged iirc. But he was a high level bankster pre Amazon. Not an accident that his real innovation was in the financial engineering category.

I don’t understand how you can call Amazon a financial engineering story with a straight face. Everything that’s notable about the company is a business process.

On March 31, the first period bell at Northwest High School in Grand Island, Neb., had just rung when the principal walked into a journalism classroom adorned with punctuation posters to deliver a new rule directly from administrators.

Students, including at least three who were transgender, were ordered to use the names they were given at birth for bylines because using their preferred names was “controversial,” according to a former student who was in the classroom and a lawyer for the Student Press Law Center.

In response, the student journalists dedicated their final issue in June to L.G.B.T.Q. issues, writing two columns on the topic and a news article about the origins of Pride Month. Then, after publication, the school retaliated, said Mike Hiestand, the Student Press Law Center lawyer.

Northwest Public Schools administrators and the superintendent, Jeff Edwards, shut down its newspaper program in June, infuriating student journalists and press freedom advocates who have denounced the move as censorship.